The Communication Dilemma


Throughout human history, communication has been incredibly important to our development. It was almost inevitable that it would become an integral aspect of business as time progressed. From Ancient Greece to present day New York, Communication is key to attracting clients and customers. It's also an inaugural part of ensuring your employees understand what you want them to do.

Yet, in this rapidly changing modern world, how do you communicate your product, pitch or meeting across to potentially millions of people? Well firstly, we need to look at the problem.

The Issue With Internal And External Communications

Firstly, let's tackle Internal Communication, why is this even important? Obviously we’re not talking about a tiny memo written on a post it note. Internal Communications can vary from an important meeting, which is mainly verbal. To something as simple as company wide policy updates.

This is incredibly important because if information isn’t successfully transferred from person to person within a company, people can deliver the wrong products to clients or miss deadlines. Essentially, good Internal Communication is KEY to a well performing Business. Yet people aren’t going to read large excerpts from a meeting or read a 6 page memo on the new filing system on the office computers.

Looking at External Communication it's a similar issue. Good communication with your clients or customers are essential for a functioning Business. Both Internal and External Communication can’t simply be endless pages of text or use verbal communication en-masse.

So how do you solve this issue?

How To Fix It with Visuals

Looking at Internal Communication, how do you take everything that was said in a meeting quickly and easily explaining it to various other members of your Business. You could get everyone on a zoom call but that is incredibly ineffective. You could give a long 50 page document outlining everything that was discussed but no one is going to read it.

Looking at External Communication, how do you sell a service you provide or a product you spent years creating? You could go door to door and show them the product. You could attempt to get into offices to try and get personal meetings with the managers. Realistically, these aren’t going to work.

So if Written Communication and Verbal Communication are not an effective way to communicate Internally or Externally. But what about Visually? Natalka Design has found that communicating Visually is often the easiest way to communicate. You can take 30 pages of meeting synopsis down in the four bullet points and a few doodles. As we’ve said before, more than 80 percent of the information the brain is processing is Visual.

This then helps to solve the External Communication problem. Visualizing your service with pictures or doodles of people using your service or product will help to engage potential audiences. You can also explain how your service works or how to use your product. Visuals simply are the best answer to the Communication Dilemma.

Strategic Visual Thinking


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