Work Example: Network Rail

Yesterday was an emotional day. At some points I shed a tear or two.

We visualize events for over 10 years and I can honestly say that yesterday's @networkrail #Archwayconf supporting LGBTQ+ community in Birmingham is going to my TOP 3. Why?

1. I learned in one day more than in months of school. The amount of vulnerable, real, honest and raw stories was inspiring, hard real. The feeling in the room was so special and everyone was there to understand each other more, grow and connect. Not an easy thing to accomplish.

2. Incredibly moving and educational talks from @jessica_lynn_ytg @outofthestraightjacket and @mrtimdunn - thank you for sharing your stories with us. Inspired by all the speakers to be your true self no matter what.

3. @gingio thank you for inviting us to visualise and bring to life all these important stories. Life changing experience. Hopefully to more amazing colour filled projects this year!
Natalia with Gingio at the Archway Conference.

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