What Is SEO?

At some point it is likely you’ve heard the term, SEO, this simply means, Search Engine Optimization. Simply put it's an easy way to ensure your Product, Service, Business or Brand gets found easier on the Web, but let's take a deeper dive into this important piece of Marketing Intel.

What Is SEO?

As mentioned above SEO helps Search Engines locate your Business, Brand, Product or Service in its correct place in the Search Results. This can be completed in various ways.

You may have noticed the first and easiest way to use SEO in this very Blog, Keywords and Repetition. You may have noticed that the term SEO has come up a lot so far, well that simply helps the various online Web Searches for ‘SEO’ grab onto this particular Blog. If you go back over our previous Blogs, you will also notice a similar Pattern. 

Something similar can be done with the images on your Blog or Website. Oftentimes more modern Web Development Programs or Sites have an SEO section for you to fill in with each picture you upload.

The same Keyword System applied, this time however it will link those search results with that specific Picture. This obviously makes this an important step as it's a way of utilizing SEO without the reader or user of your Product really noticing.

Obviously Hashtags are a common form of SEO as they allow people to find content on Sites like YouTube and Instagram that they specifically want to see. 

Obviously you’ll need to push to get your Website, Brand, Business or Product further up the Search Results but utilizing SEO in simple ways, such as using Keywords in a Title, can aid that. SEO is simply a way of giving your Content the boost it needs, like a professional edge.

Why Is SEO Important?

The answer to this is simple. People perform Trillions upon Trillions of searches every single year. These can range from random searches about the Sahara Desert to a search about Visual Storytelling and Businesses that provide that service.

SEO is more important in Marketing and Branding now than it ever was. As Technology and the world advances at an ever faster pace, it is increasingly important to utilise Keywords and other SEO tactics. This is simply due to things like people making more direct Searches and using Keyword Search Techniques.

People want and need information at a faster speed and it's important to deliver that if you want your Projects, Products, Services and Business to thrive. Putting it plainly those with better Optimised SEO will be higher on Search Results than those without it. That can be the difference between 10 Clients in a Month and 10 Clients in a year.

Marketing has always been one of the most important tools in Business, this is simply an extension of that.

SEO also allows for people to find your section of the web or your YouTube Video and be the Audience you were looking for. You may get a Student to click on your account firms home page or advert but will they use the service? 

SEO helps the internet's Algorithms send the right people to the right places, like a giant Digital Traintrack working automatically to help streamline the online experience. It also does all this Organically, meaning you're not wasting money bringing in nothing but empty clicks that won’t generate any Business for you. And the main point of a Business is to sell a Product or Service. So empty clicks, whilst looking good on the analytics, are a waste of Money.

Should I Use SEO?

The obvious answer here is yes, SEO is incredibly important for all the reasons listed above and more. More and more content is uploaded onto the Internet every single second, of every single minute, of every single hour or every single day.

Trying to be seen in this growing haystack is turning all of us less into a needle and more into an Atom. So definitely, definitely, take a deeper look at how to use it and make sure to include it in all online related projects you work on from now on. Even something as simple as an Instagram Post or a YouTube Video and check the results.

For real proof that SEO works, simply look to this Blog. The fact you’ve seen and read it is in itself proof.

Work Example: The Meetings Show


Work Example: Network Rail