Advancing Tech To Help Your Business

Wireless Conference Rooms

All companies require a space to meet up and discuss the business. You can be pitching a new product or have a board meeting discussing an update to your brand, perhaps you have a meeting with a client.
Yes we’re all well adapted to tools such as zoom, but there is actually a decent selection to choose from. You can take a look at Microsoft Teams, which, as the name suggests, is Microsoft's answer to Zoom. It's essentially the same but it's just designed with a more professional setting in mind. As it’s linked to your Microsoft account this helps when sharing files with other members of your team.
And if that doesn’t take your fancy there are completely free alternatives that offer no limitations on call times and other services. Platforms such as Discord and Guilded offer completely free group chats and calls with Guilded even allowing for the creation of events and docs, helping you to plan out your meetings.

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing is something you're probably already making use of and you don’t even realize it. In a nutshell, cloud computing is essentially a centralized information database system which you then access via a PC, Laptop, Mobile or other device with an internet connection.
A simple form of this can be seen on Google Drive where people edit documents or entire folders in real time. This can be done in an office setting or working remotely. This gives your workforce far more flexibility when it comes to creating, storing and accessing the work they need, when they need it.

Cyborg Clothing

As time goes on we’re finding ourselves in a world of Apple and Samsung watches, Virtual Reality Headsets that keep getting smaller. It’s only a matter of time until those spy movies where the protagonist runs around with contact lenses that have All the information of their mission and target shown only to them. 
Technology has been moving forward at a rapid pace over the last hundred years or so and the Business landscape of tomorrow could be completely different to the one of yesterday. Imagine being able to think up a blog post as your on a train? Work on the quarterly reports whilst you work out at the gym. Clothing, and technology continue to mesh and it's inevitable that the work place will fit into this growing area of tech someday soon.

3D Printing

Now it’s a piece of tech that’s been here for a while and has a small industry building up around it as we speak. Allowing people with sufficient skill at 3D Modelling on a PC to create a small business either selling their model to others or printing it off and selling the real world product. But as the technology improves in speed and quality it will become more viable, not just for households and small businesses, but an essential part of day to day life.
Much like a synthesizer on Star Trek, 3D Printers will be able to create office supplies, small gifts to give away at events, mugs, virtually any item you can imagine, in the future, will probably be creatable. Who’s to say we won’t have nanobots building the prototype of a product right in front of investors. Now that would make a cool pitch.

Project Management Software

Sites like Trello can help you to plan out your work day and allow you to see how far you’ve progressed. This makes tracking those smaller, peskier tasks much easier and you won’t need to worry about forgetting to do them. 
Trello can get messy however and that’s where sites like Notion come in. Here you can neatly organise work you’ve done and work you plan to do. You can organise work assigned to specific people. Unlike Trello you need to do this all manually but Notion is much neater and easier to use. Ultimately it comes down to personal taste.


And that’s a wrap on another brilliant blog, 5 cool pieces of tech you can make use of now, or will make use of in the future, for your business.

Work Example: Your Vision


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