What To Do When Your Laid Off Of Work

In current times many have found themselves without employment for the first time in years. Although not the happiest of topics, this short blog will take a look at some of the things you can do if you find yourself laid off from work.

Reach Out To Your Contacts

Many of our blogs have focused on building a network of people you can talk to about finding work or helping your business. Calling up these contacts now can be a great way of finding new work but also letting contacts know you are available for work.

If you would rather move into a Business of your own, these contacts can also be useful in finding you the resources to do so!

Stay In Touch With Colleagues

This can be important for two reasons, one, it ensures you keep a working relationship with people who you have spent a lot of time around for the last few years. Secondly it helps to keep them in your network which can be important for the future.

Not only may your former colleagues be able to help you with work in the future, you may also be able to help them out. Helping each other through difficult times is always the best way through them.

Take A Look At What Is Available

Now is an important time to take a look at what work is available. Using sites like LinkedIn or Indeed you can hone in job searches that are more tailored to you. You can also check for jobs in most places on the web or more traditionally through looking through ads in the paper.

Take Your Time

Redundancy does have small fall backs in that you normally receive a certain amount of money to tide you over into your next job. Use this time to process what has happened and if you are able, take a moment to relax and think about what plans you have for the future.

Being laid off from work doesn’t always need to be a scary time but can in fact just be a moment of opening new doors and opportunities. As the saying goes, as one door closes, another door opens.

Next Steps

Once you’ve spoken to your contacts, taken a look at what is available to you and perhaps had a chat with some colleagues, it's time to make your game plan. This phase can be daunting as you replan the next stage of your life, but also exciting. If you have the time, look for somewhere you want to go. The future may be scary but no one truly knows what it holds. 


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