5 Mistakes To Avoid When Organizing Events

Holding an event can be a scary prospect, and of course there are many types of event but the same mistakes can occur across many of them, here’s 5 to avoid.

Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance

Life is unpredictable, sometimes, things go wrong. That’s why the first mistake to avoid is simply not getting everything planned out easily, with a back up plan in place. Make sure you know what type of event you're running, how many people are coming on dates and a back up plan in case things go sideways before, during or after your event.

Planning really does make Perfect.

Poor Promotion

Once you’ve planned everything out you're going to want to make sure you are promoting your event as much as you can. A decent amount of budget should be set aside for Event Marketing, especially on Social Media as it is the easiest way to reach a large amount of people in the modern age.

You also want to ensure your aiming your promotion at your Target Audience. A 15 year old College Student isn’t going to care about a Networking Event in the Tech Sector. See what sites your Target Audience uses and also utilise your own Social Media Network.

The Fine Print

You want to make sure that you have all of the fine print laid out properly. Who’s coming to your event, are you having speakers? How many attendees are you planning for, is there going to be music and so on. 

These details are incredibly important to have ironed out before your Event goes live and you have people queuing for hours for a guest speaker who cancelled the night before and you have no replacement. Organising the refunds on that can be a nightmare, so make sure you have everything you need, including a back up plan, in place.

It’s A Date

This one is incredibly important. Choosing the right date. If you run a Networking event for people in the holiday industry, in the middle of August, no one is going to attend because they're out setting up their own events to attract tourists. 

Timing is incredibly important with some events and less so with others. In any case you're going to be looking more at the weekend or bank holidays. You want to think about School Terms and the various types of work hours people could be facing. The last thing you want to happen is organising an event and no one buys a ticket.

Skills And Training

You can’t run an event by yourself. This is why you need a team and your team needs to be fully trained to keep your event functioning. Not to mention if things go wrong they need to be able to deal with it. Any extras like filming the event or performances need to ensure training on their own.

Also remember you then need these people to be in the correct place for their training to fit. Getting the Cleaner to film the speaker you called in who is actually the stage manager, may not go down too well.

In the end… Return To Top Of Page.


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