The LinkedIn Newsletter | Is It Useful?

With the new Newsletter feature being released on LI, it's time to take a dive on what it does and how to use it.
To open, you must get an invite from LinkedIn in order to use this service, you may have to contact LinkedIn if you wish to use the service.

Looking at the Newsletter

The LinkedIn Newsletter follows the same patterns as a regular Newsletter. However it has more of a central focus, like an article or a blog. Once a LinkedIn Newsletter is published, your LinkedIn Newsletter Subscribers are automatically notified via either a notification from the LinkedIn site, app or via email.

The Algorithm

LinkedIn Newsletters don’t just rely on people signing up to them, if the newsletter is received well. I.E. The links within it are clicked or if a decent number of your already made connections decide to subscribe. The newsletter will be recommended to more people. 

This is a big plus on an email Newsletter as it can gain a wider audience far quicker. The ability to have your newsletter shared amongst various people in the same field, industry or area of interest essentially turns the LinkedIn Newsletter into an exaggerated Instagram or blog post.

The algorithm works mildly like TikTok’s in that if one person interacts with the Newsletter their second and third connections will also see the Newsletter, if it is well received this can quickly allow for a large number of people to see the newsletter. This helps not only with pushing the Newsletter out but also with promotion of the business as a whole.

The Catch

Here comes the catch, as mentioned at the start of this blog. You have to be invited to create a LinkedIn Newsletter.This means only those who LinkedIn chooses are able to write and send out newsletters. You can also only create one Newsletter, if you decide to delete it, LinkedIn will have to invite you to create another.

To Create a Newsletter, simply go to write an article and under options tap write Newsletter, if LinkedIn has invited you to write Newsletters, this option will appear for you. 

Obtaining the ability to write LI Newsletters is paramount as it serves the same purpose with the spread of information, but also gives more brand exposure.


Whilst this can be agitating if you're looking to grow your connections on LinkedIn, it does serve a good purpose. LinkedIn ensures higher quality from the Newsletters that it allows on its site. There is always the chance that contacting LinkedIn and asking for the ability to create Newsletters may work. For now, it's a brilliant time to get some research in, looking at which Newsletters gain high popularity. Once it comes time for you to join the crowd, you’ll be ready to go.
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