Digital Art In Business

Digital Art is brand new to the scenes in historical sense. Yet, in the fast paced and ever evolving world of 21st Century Business it has become integral to marketing in the modern world.

Digital Art In Action

The best way to show how important Digital Art is to modern Business is to show some examples of Businesses that are currently using digital Art in their marketing campaigns and beyond.

These examples show the diversity of digital art. It's important to remember when looking at ways Digital Art can be used in your Business that you do not have to use the first piece you come across. From amazing renditions of a power struggle between a pride of Lions to the integral work in a Tesla press kit, Digital Art can be found in all of the examples below.
Disney - In 2019, Disney sought to bring new life to its 1994 classic, the Lion King. The fascinating film based off of Shakespeare's Macbeth (otherwise known as the Scottish Play). It did this by utilising new technology to bring the cartoon into a more realistic setting that ultimately left fans divided.
However, the film itself is not the focus here, it's the integral role Digital Art played in its marketing campaign that was incredibly successful. The image below is from a Hollywood Reporter on the film. Looking at these posters the first question you should ask yourself is which ones would be considered Digital Art?
The answer to this question is simple, all of them. The first poster shows a depiction of a young Lion Cub, this is clearly Simba. However in one image Disney manages to deliver three messages in one. The first being that this film has a more realistic aesthetic than the original. The second being that the film takes place over a large period of time, evident by Simba's paw inside a larger paw print. Finally this poster involves the Audience, with Simba looking directly at you.
The second poster capitalises on nostalgia, showing off a modern rendition of the classic scene between Simba and Mufasa on Pride Rock, whilst the third is an incredibly detailed sketch of a Lions eye. This imagery really appeals to fans of the original, now adults with their own children. The lion's eye artwork shows this a mature production for more sophisticated audiences.
The last two posters simply show the scope of the film, with the large cinematic piece showing off a vast cast of CGI wildlife. The final poster simply shows this film is a fun family romp with a variety of colourful images displayed.

Recently we were asked to provide a piece of Digital Art for Microsoft's article on Silent Pool, a distillery that is intrinsically linked to modern technology. Specifically using the Business Management Platform, Bevica.
Bevica is a system which allows drinks beverage companies to keep track of their finances, what they have in stock, their sales and much more. Obviously explaining this all through text can distract the reader and maybe convince them to stop reading. Infact reading this blog post, subconsciously you were more likely to be engaged once you noticed the first series of images above.
To break up this wall of text, the author of the article used multiple images of the distillery itself as well as a video explaining how Bevica is used by Silent Pool when they create their gin.  In the middle of the article is a piece of Visual Storytelling created by us.
If you read the article it tells the story of the entire process of how Silent Pool created their gin and how Bevica is integral to the process. This is where Digital Art can truly shine, it can take the information presented on the page and present it in an easy to understand format. Humans are natural storytellers and the oldest stories were told through various forms of imagery. Digital Art can take this old formula and bring it into the modern age.
But why not just write the article. Well the simple answer is the image below reinforces it and allows the human brain to retain the information easier. Whilst also breaking up large portions of text so they seem more readable. Working perfectly in a world where the average attention span is constantly shrinking.

Tesla - The Tesla Press shows off a variety of new vehicles from the modern world, but how does it bring attention to said vehicles? The Easy answer is Digital Art. However, all the art available in the press kit is once again completely different to what we’ve seen before.
The main example being used here is of the Tesla Semi. A new truck being released at some point late 2021/early 2022. Straight away it is easy to see that Tesla is going for a more mysterious image here. The image itself was almost certainly taken in low light, however the photo is heavily edited. This is easily achievable in most modern programs such as photoshop but is a form of Digital Art. 
The pitch black base of the image leads onto a bland yet semi-harsh environment, showing clearly that the truck is designed to move smoothly over various types of terrain with ease. An important piece of information to potential buyers.
Next the image moves up to a vibrant turquoise, This brings a stark contrast to the colouring of the image below. This partly makes the image seem darker where it needs to be, as well as lighting the image well enough to create a silhouette. Which itself adds to the obvious mysterious feel Tesla is going for here.
The last two important pieces of information here are that the sky darkens as we reach the top and the headlights break through the dark foreground of the image with ease. The darkened roof of the sky softens the silhouette so it's not too harsh and revealing. Whilst the headlight gives the impression of a powerful beast looking through the darkness.
Before even reading the information underneath I was able to understand what product Tesla is selling.

Now you’ve seen how powerful and useful Digital Art is to marketing, simplifying a message or even describing a product. How can you apply it to your Business?

How To Apply Digital Art To Your Business

Digital Art can be applied to a Business in various ways. Looking at the above examples, do any of them speak to you as fitting with the product you're selling? The article you are writing or the presentation you have coming up at the end of the month?
The first thing you want to identify is what you want represented visually. What information do you want backed up with visuals and what can stand on its own? Obviously there are outside sources you can bring into your Business that can help with this, but it helps to have a basic understanding of what you want beforehand.
The main point of the examples is simply to show you the sheer variety of Digital Art available to you and also as inspiration. Looking back at the short attention spans of people today. You need to bring people in and deliver the necessary information before they move onto something else.
To simply answer the question, applying Digital Art to your Business can be done in five steps.
  1. Do your research - What are other people in your industry doing? What can you do differently?
  2. Plan what you want - Are you marketing a new toy set to young children? Or planning a pitch for a board meeting?
  3. Create your designs - This can be achieved either in house or in collaboration with people who specialise in this field.
  4. Prepare the strategy - How are you getting this information out? Is it going on the TV or out via employee email?
  5. Launch your campaign


Hopefully the above examples have given you an idea of how Digital Art fits in 21st Century Business and how you can apply it to your own. In this ever changing world it always helps to be on top or ahead of trends. The hardest part is keeping up when directions can change in an instant. Digital Art is at the forefront of that and is incredibly exciting to watch it evolve.
All in all Digital Art is a necessary part of Modern Business and understanding how to use it effectively is incredibly important.


  • The Hollywood Reporter. 2021. Behind Disney's Massive 'Lion King' Marketing Effort. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 16 February 2021].
  • Microsoft News Centre UK. 2021. The distillery that creates the perfect mix of G&T (gin and technology). [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 16 February 2021].
  • 2021. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 16 February 2021].

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