10 Things To Do Post-Lockdown

Prepare Yourself And Your Team

Before rushing in, you need to make sure you have a plan. Depending on your business and your team this plan will vary, the biggest things to plan is who is coming back to work, who is working remotely. Which members of your team will be doing certain tasks and when is the first and possibly most important thing to think about post-lockdown, other than budgets.

Get On Social Media

In the modern world this is incredibly important. Everyone is on Social Media, by avoiding it you're missing out on a potentially huge customer/client base. Having a website is a good idea but the chances of people finding your website on its own is slim. The larger Social Media presence you have however can drastically improve your chance of being found and also improves your ability to contact others.

Make Sure Your Digital

As mentioned above you want to have a website. Obviously a large social media presence is essential but a large online presence that you control is a good place to send potential customers/clients too. From here you can get them to engage with blogs and newsletters as well as sell any product or service you are offering them.
You can still have a physical presence, but a digital/online one is a brilliant and incredibly important addition.

Re-evaluate Your Target Market/Audience

If you and your team have been entirely on furlough you may be returning to find that the market space you once occupied is changed or gone entirely. New players will have or be entering the game as the old ones depart, as is the evolution of Business. Don’t be afraid to take stock and be prepared to attack new markets or seek new clientele.

Make Your Team Feel Valued

If you’ve switched entirely to remote work, switching to hybrid working or bringing everyone back in, you want to make sure that the team feels like they are wanted and not a burden after the difficult year or so everyone has had. Perhaps have a fun day so that everyone can let their hair down or as it starts to get a little safer, perhaps a staff party is in order.

Invest In The Business

Make sure you put a few extra quid into the business. Allowing it some breathing room to take advantage of the fact everyone is racing to be outdoors again. Much like a pond that has been left for a year, the pipes are in dire need of changing to flush out the stagnant water and allow the fish to breath. Don’t forget this important step.

Look Into New Tech

Remote Work leapt forward drastically this year as communication was made so much easier than it has been in previous years. Amazing Tech like Zoom and mmhmm is innovating the world of working from home and making it even more viable than ever before. You don’t want to be left behind on the tech front and investing in it could be a game changer in the next few years.

Start Conversations

Don’t just sit back, try to engage customers/clients. Let the world know your back (or never left) . Post to Instagram, make a funny TikTok, perhaps write a blog about the ten things people should do now that the Lockdowns are finally over.

Support The Local Area

Give back to the local community, perhaps do some volunteer work or give a small portion to some charities that have played a major role in the Pandemic. It can make for a great team building exercise not to mention that you will be helping out those in need. That is always rewarding in itself.

Idea Generation

Obviously you need to generate some new and interesting ideas, now more than ever it's important to get ahead of the curve as everyone prepares to lunge into now open markets that have lain dormant for over a year. Now is a time of great potential growth, you want to capture this potential and make the most of it while the opportunity still stands.

How To Make Use Of Instagram


Coming Out Of Lockdown