Top 5 Best Hashtags For Twitter

Twitter is an interesting platform. It is almost the wild west of the internet. One wrong tap of the phone screen and you can find yourself on the completely opposite side of the internet. But you can use Twitter to get some attention on your Business. Below are 5 of the most Popular Hashtags for Twitter.


As Twitter is a place to consistently tell people about your day, it is no surprise #MondayMotivation is in the top 5. Many people on their way to work or pushing a product will partially post this to motivate themselves or to post about something they're doing to motivate themselves. This is less of how you can apply this to your posts, it's more, what could you post to fit into this Hashtag.

Remember Twitter’s Character limit means you often have to carefully pick 3 or 4 Hashtags max. Normally you will only fit one.


#fridayfeeling This is pretty much the inverse of #MondayMotivation. It also works for more personal posts but can also be used for the closing of Business on a Friday or just a different type of Motivational post in which everyone in the office is looking forward to the weekend of the hard week of work.


#influencermarketing is focused more specifically on influencers. You can use this if your Business or Brand is partnering with an influencer. Influencers are a very good way of marketing towards the specific audience of an Influencer. This doesn’t have to be a small audience of Gamers. Some Influencers focus on the same audience as you may do for your Business or Brand. Definitely make use of Influencers when you can.


#influencer as number 2 this sits in the same function as #influencermarketing. The two will most likely be used in unison and will have the same effect. Influencers are becoming a more and more important part of Marketing so it is definitely worth making use of them.


#competition Twitter is a brilliant place to run competitions to get people involved with your Brand as it can be quickly shared and create a viral campaign. Going viral on Twitter can be difficult but once the process has started it can easily steam roll.


You Are A Superhero

