The 5 Best Hashtags For LinkedIn

Instagram and YouTube are not the only Social Media sites that we use regularly. Sometimes we go looking for more professional sites to get our Business or Brand out there. LinkedIn allows us to offer our personal services and our Business or Brand. So let’s check out 5 of the best Hashtags to grab potential Clients, Customers and Employers attention.


It probably makes sense that #digitalmarketing is on this list as LinkedIn is a Digital Platform. Unfortunately there isn’t a lot of wiggle room when it comes to using this Hashtag. You, at the very least, need to actually be referring to marketing in some capacity, preferably you are actually talking about digital marketing in your post.


In at number 4 it's another very specific Hashtag, although you can have a bit more fun with it. #humanresources can be used in a jokey way if your post say contains a dad joke. The inner joke being your dad joke got you sent to Human Resources. Otherwise you need to be posting about Human Resources in some shape or size. This one would probably be harder to sneak in than #digitalmarketing


Again #management is almost useless for most posts…or is it. It's the third highest on the list, so we want to make use of it, and you can use it in a general way. Say you tidied your desk or improved your time management. Remember don’t always use Hashtags literally, just make sure they fit in some way, allowing you to maximise your post appearing on people's feeds and searches.


#innovation is incredibly easy to use. Whether bringing out a new product, service or simply having an idea you would like to share. #innovation can be placed in a good number of posts on LinkedIn with relative ease, which is probably why it sits at number 2.


This is perhaps the hardest to apply. #India can only be applied to posts pertaining to India. Be that the country itself, a Business inside the country or a product or service originating from India. It is the most popular Hashtag on LinkedIn so it could be worth getting creative and finding ways to connect your post to the Hashtag.




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