5 Logo's That Have Mastered Visual Communication

Logo’s need to be able to communicate what your Business and Brand is all about in as few words as possible. This can either be achieved by naming your Business in a fancy font or having a simple picture sum up your Brand. Below are 5 examples of the best pieces of Visual Communication in Logo’s.


Target is probably the easiest example to bring up as the logo is literally a Target. Instantly bringing recognition to the Brand. Even if you’ve never heard of Target before you are easily able to make the connection between the Brand itself and the logo once told. Even if you are not from the US.

The story goes that as the PR Team was debating names and logos for the company they settled upon the name Target and the logo at the exact same time.


Another Logo that is instantly recognisable is the McDonald’s logo, simply being the letter M from the start of the word. Although the M is a lot softer than an actual Capital M, giving a more friendly appearance.

Whilst this may seem to struggle in places that don’t use a Latin Alphabet the brand still finds worldwide success, this is due to the clever branding and use of it’s logo, which is simple and easy to understand.


Much like McDonald’s, KFC’s three lettered approach to a logo works wonders. Although the brand was once known as Kentucky Fried Chicken. Most now know it as KFC. Although the same Alphabet issue can be had, the simple three lettered title and logo makes it easy for the Brand to find itself doing well around the world.


The BBC or British Broadcasting Corporation is a common sight in most British Households and can even be found at random points around the globe, such as the United States. The BBC’s Branding is simple and its use of letters allows for people to easily recognise the Brand, without necessarily knowing what the BBC is.

The BBC’s simple logo allows for it to be printed virtually anywhere and ironically stand out in a world of flashy fonts and vibrant logos. So going for a more simplistic approach with your Branding may actually be a good idea.


One logo everyone is most likely familiar with is the Instagram Logo. Although it has had many iterations, the simple logo featuring a Polaroid Camera is known across the globe. 

It also encapsulates simplicity and visually communicates what your brand is all about. A simple Polaroid Camera. 

Definitely something to remember when designing logos.


Telling A Story

