5 Things To Start Your Day

Not all of us are morning people. I am personally someone built for late nights rather than starting the day when the sun comes up to greet everyone else. If you are stuck and really want that extra 20 minutes in bed, here is a quick guide to help you get going.

Alarm Bells

Get yourself a small battery powered Alarm Clock and place it at the opposite end of the room to your bed. Forcing you to get out of bed to turn it off. Next, set multiple alarms on your phone. Some people like to have an alarm every minute, some every five. Lastly, if you have an Amazon Alexa or Google Home, you can set Alarms on these too. 

Essentially, have as many Alarms going off as possible, so that it simply becomes almost impossible not to wake up and get started with your day.


Give yourself a small amount of routine at this point. Go and grab a morning cup of Tea or Coffee. Take some Creatine or have a quick snack to jolt your brain into action early in the morning. Getting that routine can naturally push your brain to get into action quicker when you have to get up early. Stopping you from missing your bed, the second you pull back the covers.


Breakfast is easily missed and it may not be for you. But it can be an added layer to your routine and it is highly customisable. You don’t have to shove Cornflakes down your throat at 8 in the morning. You can head to the burger van to work and grab yourself a glorious Bacon Butty with Ketchup and maybe some Mayo.

Whatever helps push you through the workday. Of Course all can be balanced out with a quick trip to the Gym on your Lunch Break or in the Evening after work.

Morning Jog

This is entirely optional. It can be filled in by walking to work or a quick cycle ride. Jogging can get you going and simply put, wake you up. Jogging isn’t for everyone and you can easily swap it out with a trip to the Gym, using the showers there and heading straight to work after.

As it’s a completely optional step, how you use it is entirely up to you.

Power Nap

Once you're at work, see if you can grab 20 Minutes in the car or in the break room just to give you that last little bit of rest before you're plunged into a hectic day of paperwork and phone calls. This can be skipped over or moved later in the day but it can be extremely helpful grabbing those few extra minutes of sleep before you get to work.


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