5 Quick SEO Tips

SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation is one of the most important aspects of Business today. Getting SEO right can be the difference between your Businesses being found and being successful. And your Business failing. Below are 5 Tips to help you with your SEO.


Firstly look at something simple like an About Us section on your website. But also apply this to your Social Media Accounts. Giving a basic introduction to your Business. Using as many Keywords as possible in descriptions. Things like B2B. Visual Communication, Branding. Whatever you can use to quickly and effectively describe your Business.

Short And Sweet

When writing descriptions for an Instagram Post, keep it short and sweet. Yes, the occasional list can be helpful, but it's a visual platform. Don’t give people an essay to read. Focus on your hashtags and again, using a few keywords to use in the description.

When writing blogs, try to keep them short and concise, again, using keywords and focusing on what was said in the opening paragraph and title. Repeating words where possible. Which brings us to the Title itself. Make it searchable and as short as possible. Keeping to a list format if possible.

Necessary Information

Don’t overload potential Customers. But also lure them in. Make sure a website, or, where relevant, Social Media Post/Blog Post, contains the relevant information on services and, if applicable, the products your Business offers.

Depending on what your Business specialises in, you could even include how much stock you have and the ingredients that make up your product. Alternatively, what specific services you provide.

Be Relatable

It can be easy to sound almost robotic when looking at something like SEO. Where you can, try to describe things in a way your target audience would connect too. For a Marketing Agency you may use a wider and more creative vocabulary. For an Accounting firm you may speak plainly and in short, straight to the point sentences. And again, remember to use keywords.

Moving Pictures

Where possible, make sure to add SEO to the images you use on blogs, as well as the videos you upload. Some Social Media Sites like YouTube will allow you to add tags and hashtags to help with SEO on their own platform and search engines. Where possible make.


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