5 Ways To Network In 2023

Networking is an integral part of forming a Business and Brand. Networks can help you to find investors, get your product to market, or help you find new clients. Whatever you use them for, they are an incredibly important part of building a successful Business or Career.

Below are 5 Helpful ways to Network in 2023.

Love Your Hobbies

You don’t need to be running around Business Events to try and find important connections. Join some rand clubs, pottery classes or even visit a few pubs. The best members of your network will be met naturally just by socialising.

Plus on this more personal level, people will get to know you better and feel more inclined to vouch for you and increase your network even further. For more immediate members of your network you connect with through hobbies and socialising will most likely have similar interests to you. Again helping to further other people's opinions of you and making expanding your network far easier.


This one probably goes without saying. Most people in various Business Industries are now on LinkedIn and it is the easiest place to find people to increase the size of your network. Make sure you are active on the site however, a stagnant profile may not attract much attention or dissuade people from accepting your attempts to connect with them on the site.

Also remember that these connections may be more hit and miss. You can connect with people you know in real life or connect naturally through mutual contacts. You can also use the site connecting with potential clients via cold emails, all though through a LinkedIn Inbox.

Social Media

You don’t need to limit yourself to LinkedIn. You can easily find new contacts via more oldschool Social Media such as Facebook or Instagram. In fact many connections are now being made via TikTok. Utilising all Social Media to expand your network is the best way forward as it gives you the best chance of expanding your network in the direction you want it to expand.

I.e If you want to get into journalism or find yourself an interview, it is probably best to start following journalists on Twitter and possibly tag them in Tweets to garner their attention. This process can then be repeated on other Social Media Sites, such as Instagram and LinkedIn.


Get yourself to some Events. Preferably Events that match the industry you're in, such as Visual Communication or B2B Events. This allows you to meet other people who may prove useful in finding new Businesses, or even something as simple as a mentor to take you under their wing.

Events can also be useful to form new partnerships and allow new ideas to blossom with new people. Also don’t be afraid to visit Events slightly outside your Industry as it can be beneficial to your expanding network.

Engage With Others Online

Don’t just post online, engage with the content other people post and use that as a stepping stone to get in contact with them. Or even use it as a stepping stone to contact other people interacting with their content on Social Media.

Don’t forget you can also utilise Personal and Business Websites to a similar effect.


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