The Instagram Update

Instagram is an important tool for many of us when marketing our services or products to potential Customers or Clients. With roughly a billion monthly active users the platform is a sure fire way to grab the attention of someone who may connect with your Business and Brand.
However with the rising star of TikTok, Instagram has been forced to evolve. YouTube , Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have slowly been merging into similar platforms over the years but they still have their distinctions.
Well with the newest update, Instagram will be directly tackling the dominance of TikTok in the Short Video Space. This is where Vine collapsed and fell early on in the 2010s, it was one dimensional. TikTok itself has diversified but Instagram it seems is going all in.
They made a similar feature to TikTok known as Instagram Reels which has seen huge success in use by Instagram users. Now the platform will be moving away from the 4:3 Square box images that it is known for and moving to fill your Phone Screen.
Instagram, Insta, Social Media, Update
It is True our Phones have gotten larger since the inception of the Social Media App but the platform will also be focusing on ‘Video Content’. This doesn’t mean that your feed will disappear. Images will still be scrollable but those that do not fit the new sizing, roughly 720x1080 will simply have a gradient placed around them.
I wouldn’t go editing all of your images in a panic, this will be fine but it does show that the future is not only visual, but in motion. The Platform is directly coming for TikTok’s main user base by changing the feed so drastically like this. Essentially your Instagram feed will, for all intents and purposes, look like a TikTok feed.
This move probably means the Instagram Algorithm will be moving inline with TikTok’s, meaning Audience interaction is valued now more than ever. Likes don’t matter anymore, you need comments and re-watches on the content you post to Instagram, just like on TikTok.
It may take some time getting used too and has caused some kickback from some users who primarily post images on Instagram and it certainly an interesting choice. But whilst many Businesses use Instagram as a marketing tool, Instagram itself is a Business. They need to make choices that suit their business.
Ironically this can all stem back to Snapchat stories many Millennials and Gen Z’ers grew up with and is perhaps the final evolution of Social Media. Yet in an ever changing world, it will certainly be interesting to see what's to come.
TikTok, Social Media, Instagram, Update

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