Working Remote Since 2012

Working remotely is becoming more and more common and may continue to do so. The Pandemic has changed how we work and that's just how things go. The world of Business has always been changing. This is just the latest one, so let's take a look.

Why We Work Remote

Since the early days of Natalka Design, we’ve had Clients all over this tiny Blue Marble. This just wouldn’t be possible if we didn’t work remotely. If you're required to fly to South Africa for a Business meeting when you have a job in London and another in New York, your work is going to suffer.

By working remotely it allows us to talk to all three of those Clients within a few hours of each other. From that point we can organise the work we need to do and engage effectively with each client's needs.

Working remotely also means there are less limitations on who you can hire and where they work from. Those Team Members can then react in real time to any work set.

The biggest bonus is obviously not needing a large chunk of Office Space that can be expensive to maintain and even just to rent.

Cons Of Working Remote

Obviously Working Remotely does have its drawbacks. Communication can be harder with everyone working on their own in their own space. Phone calls can be missed as can Texts.

The Social aspect of Remote Working can also have a negative impact. The Office environment or even simply working in a space with colleagues can be better for the Human Psyche. 

Lastly it can be an issue not having in person meetings with Clients. Obviously if we are able to have an in-person meeting that's the preferable option. It isn’t impossible to show Clients potential Visualizations and ideas as file sharing has come forward a great deal.

Should You Work Remote?

This question entirely depends on your Business. For most office based Businesses, from Call Centres for Visual Storytellers. It can be a simple case of bulk buying software or hardware for employees to use.

For something like retail, again this can work, but only on a small scale, reaching Amazon Scale will require people to work on site.


So all in all, for us it worked, for many Businesses of varying sizes going forward, it will work better and better at a larger scale. The world has had 2 Years Practice now, so let's see what happens going forward.

Work Showcase - Nicer Tuesdays

