Work Stress | How To Relax

Working from home can be hard. Especially if you have the family running around you. Don't worry, here's a few simple tips and tricks to take some time for yourself and wash away the workday stress.

A Nice Cup Of Tea

It sounds silly doesn't it? But its a simple way of hitting the pause button. Take some time to sit by a window with a warm cup of tea and a blanket. This will allow your brain to process the things your working on in a calmer setting. You may even think up a  brilliant idea for a project or an easier way to complete what your working on.
It doesn't even have to be tea, a nice Coffee or an Ice Lolly in the Summer can have the same effect. Whatever helps you the best is the way to move forward.

A Little Jog

This works in a similar way to having a cup of tea. It simply gives your brain some time to breath. If your able too a woodland jog is always the best, but anywhere is just fine! This is also entirely flexible to your own pace an ability. If you don't like the sound of jogging, a short walk will have the same effect. At the core of dealing with stress is simply taking time for yourself to ensure you are giving yourself the care that you need.
There are also groups who routinely go jogging or on walks together. So you can enjoy some quality time with friends or you can take some time purely for yourself on a lunch break. Although you might want to grab a solid playlist to give you a nice pump as you go.


Doodling is an amazing way to totally relax your brain! No matter your skill level, just sit down and have a doodle. This allows your brain to put more stressful activities to the back of your mind for a moment. Putting your focus on the paper in front of you. What's also amazing is that you can doodle anywhere, on anything. If your on the tube you can simply pull out an Ipad, if your waiting for the kids to finish school you can doodle on a Sticky Note.
There are also many amazing events out there too doodle with other people and have a laugh together. We have run Doodleledo for many years and you can catch us on one of our online events anytime we're live! Fingers crossed once we're able too we'll get to run some in person events soon!

Reading a Good Book

This one may sound simple and its not for everyone. But a good book can take you away from the stresses of modern life. There's no budgets or script editors that control the story in a good book, so you could find yourself stuck on your PowerPoint one minuet and in Middle Earth the next! You could also read books helping you through presentation design. This allows you a break whilst also helping you learn some cool new ways to help you with your work.
If your not up for reading a book, there are some amazing blogs to have a quick read through, we have a few interesting ones here if you wanted to take a look?

Take a Nap

You may be thinking, how can I sleep if I'm stressed? Well, sleep is the body's natural way to rebooting. Stress actually takes up a lot of energy, if you take a quiet couple of hours to lay your head down, your body may naturally let you drift off. Whilst asleep your brain will quietly process the information it has floating around in a much more calm manner. This means you may not just wake up refreshed, but also with some new ideas.
Although you shouldn't substitute this for a good nights sleep as that is still very important!


Overall, taking time for yourself is the most important thing. Perhaps one or more of these suggestions helped you, perhaps not. The key takeaway is make sure you grab a little bit of time to re-calibrate. Even if it is half an hour in the evening before bed with a nice bowl of noodles, taking that time for yourself can be really helpful.
Gaming, listening to nostalgic music or watching a film are also valid ways of dealing with stress, find what fits best for you and use it!

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