How To Use Visual Storytelling

In last week's Blog we took a look at what Visual Storytelling was, this week we take a look at how to use Visual Storytelling in your Business.

Using Data

Perhaps one of the best ways to use Visual Storytelling is something we briefly looked over in the last Blog. Data.

We’ve all seen the variety of infographics, especially the tacky ones that you get in your school books about how the body works. But Infographics are a powerful tool and don’t have to be goofy or dull.

An Infographic can be a Picture of a Brain showing what centres runs what percentage of the body or a Drawing of a Tower showing Quarterly earnings in percentages. Data is important to every single Business on the Planet and how you present that can be just as crucial as the Data itself.

Communicate Your Companies Goals

Every Business has Ambitions and Aspirations, Space X’s is to Colonise Mars, Terry’s Butchers is to provide stable jobs for his local community. It doesn’t matter the scale, it matters how you tell that story.

Inside the story for your ambitions is the founding of your Business. Space X shows a fascination with, well Space, Terry’s Butchers, perhaps a love of food.

You can tell a complete story of Past, Present and Future, via animated sequences, or a poster showing off a Roadmap of your Business. Its all about being creative and showing your work instead of telling Clients/Customers Orally or via the Written Word.

Show Don’t Tell

This bit is probably obvious, the Brain is wired visually and has a short attention span. If you hand someone a 40 Page Document of non-stop text how much do you think they will read?

If you hand them 3 Pages of condensed Visuals showing a summary of what they need to know, will they engage with the information?

We all know the answer, because we all have the same fundamental reaction. In a Movie some of the best Storytelling is done with subtle on screen nods whilst some of the worst has Characters flat out explaining the Plot. Always Keep this in Mind.

Some Quick Tips

Don’t discount Text and Audio entirely, they can be supplementary aids.

Make sure your Visuals deliver a Clear and most importantly a Simple Message.

Use Visuals that fit your needs, don’t use a 3 Minute Animation when Live-Scribing makes more sense.

Use Visuals to grab People's attention but make sure to hold it!

So now you know how to use it, you're all set. If you're still stuck however, we’re more than happy to help, just drop us an Contact us and we’ll see what we can do.



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