Business In The Metaverse

The Metaverse has blasted onto our Screens, VR Headsets, PC’s and even AR on our Mobile Phones. For the most part, as far as we can see, the Metaverse is just a place to hang out with friends and simply chill out in a digital plane of existence.

But what if instead of just going online to chat with your friends and family in a virtual world, what if you instead used this new Virtual platform for your brand?


This is probably the first place most people's minds go to when thinking of Business.  Throughout the Pandemic we all had to sit through various virtual meetings, often forgetting to mute our mic at awkward times. 

Imagine slapping the snooze on your alarm only to wake up and realise you only have 15 Minutes to get to today's meeting with an important client. However, as you scramble to find your Suit which you forgot to iron the night before because you were busy with conference calls, you remember.

Calmly you walk to the corner of the room and flick on your PC. Raising your VR headset to your head you instantly log into your Business app as your colleagues laugh about how you always used to be late to meetings.

As your Clients log in to the Virtual Meeting room you bring up the 3D Presentation you had been working on the night before. It plays off like a meeting in Stark Industries, you can really go wild, whilst obviously keeping a professional demeanour.


The original Blade Runner and its sequel, Blade Runner 2049 don’t feature your regular dystopian billboards. Giant Holographic adverts walk and talk. Well in the Metaverse, we don’t need another 30 Years of technological development to create such interactive adverts, we can have them now.

Imagine in this Virtual World, as people log in to work or enjoy a bit of R&R at the Virtual Pool. You could have AI’s that would sell products for use in the real world or the Metaverse. What if you were looking for a Client? Instead of going to a networking event a Virtual Replica of you could advertise your services for you. Cultivating the best advertisement for your Brand. You.

Of Course in these Virtual Streets and homes you could also have adverts cemented into the walls, you logo plastered on the front door of Virtual Holiday homes. In a world that can be altered with a few lines of code, the possibilities are truly endless.


Branding would take on a new evolution in the Metaverse. Sure you logo could be on Taxis, Houses, Virtual Office Spaces or even one of the talkative AI’s you encounter. But Brand is also about how your Business functions, how it feels and is recognised by Clients and Consumers.

How it looks would mainly come down to how your Business functions in the Metaverse. You may simply choose to just advertise in this Virtual plane but you may wish to take your Business into the Metaverse full or part time.

How would branding in this space look? It's something we like to brainstorm and figure out how future tech is changing our role in Visual Storytelling. So if you fancy drop an email and we could come up with some interesting ideas for your brand.

Virtual Events

Strangely enough this idea has mostly been tried in the Children's Video Game, Fortnite. This comes mostly in the form of Virtual Concerts but it is a start to attending concerts and other events in a Metaverse-like setting.

Of Course various bands have utilised Holograms for their Concerts in the past. Most notably the Gorillaz. This AR style of Event could give us an insight into how events in the Metaverse will work. However, since we will also be in a Virtual Form, it will probably feel like a regular event. 

Imagine Events like our Doodleledo where you can meet and interact with people in a 3D space just like you would in real life but from the comfort of your bedroom. Virtual Events will probably never replace the real thing, plus we love seeing everyone face to face in Doodleledo events!

Yet this gives us an idea of how Events can be taken from the physical world to the Metaverse. Gone will be the annoying Zoom calls with our Microphones muted, but an interactive hall, filled with potential Clients and Contacts. 

The Virtual Supermarket

We all like seeing the products we buy and online shopping is such a big thing now. What if you could place your home in the Metaverse and take a look at how that Book Shelf and how that Cabinet will look, or just to double check measurements.

Virtually prep recipes and meal plans so you know exactly what to order and how to cook it once it arrives in the real world. Perhaps you could even Pilot the Drone that delivers your shopping right from your living room.

This ones is more a way of convenience, but it would be brilliant picking up the shopping on your way out of your virtual meeting only to have it arrive once you finished your real world shower.

Final Thoughts

And that brings us full circle. The Metaverse is both a scary and intriguing path forward for modern society and it will most certainly shape how Business is conducted in the coming Decades. How you use it is up to you. 

Work Showcase: The Smart Cube


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