Business Trends To Make Use Of

The modern world is fast moving and oftentimes confusing. With places like TikTok moving at lightning speeds, something that can go viral one day can only muster a few hundred views the next. 
The Business world is exactly the same. Something that can spread your message or captivate clients one week can be old news two or three months later. So what are some trends you should be striking whilst the iron is still hot?

Social Media Shops

Businesses have been able to utilize shopping spaces on Instagram and Facebook for years now. Influencers on Instagram speaking about a product or service they use often. The same can be said on YouTube but TikTok is now changing the game entirely.
The introduction of TikTok Shop allows Creators to sign up specifically to receive Items and sell them on the platform. Purchases are then made via the TikTok App creating a symbiotic relationship between TikToker - Shop - And TikTok. 
It's likely other platforms such as Instagram will follow this trend and it may be worth seeing how your Businesses could fit this new style of selling products and services online.

Product Placement Over Ads

As mentioned earlier, Content Creators on YouTube tend to run short sponsored segments in their videos talking about products they have been paid to discuss. Similar to Influencers on Instagram.
On Instagram it tends to be more people claiming to use a product whilst on YouTube what viewers can see more resembles an ad. However, as is becoming more and more prevalent, Content Creators on YouTube are making a visible effort to use products and services they advertise in their Videos. 
An easy example would be Wendigoon and his Ridge Wallet. Sponsorship's are already the main source of income as YouTube makes monetization of Videos harder and harder.
Now with Advertisers getting to directly choose how the ad or Product Placement is used whilst not having to spend cash on an ad, this will become more and more appealing.
The days of ads playing before a YouTube video really may be numbered. People will use an adblocker regularly or will skip an ad, but they are less likely to skip ahead in a video made by their favourite creator.
Bare this in mind when it comes to attempting to advertise your Business online as Content Creators and Influencers may soon have full control of the space.

Working Remote VS Return To The Office

Elon Musk recently caused a stir by saying he was against remote work. Whilst some Businesses have found great success in remote work, others have not. This is beginning to cause an interesting trend, especially for Businesses that conduct themselves mostly online, where two schools of thought are now battling to see which is best.
The thing is both have pros and cons and it is likely both will be able to co-exist. What Businesses need to look out for is how they will conduct themselves if this split trend continues.
Will you gear your Business to helping remote workers or those in an office environment? Will it be possible for B2B Businesses to facilitate both? Only time will tell and in a few years it is highly possible a winner may be announced or the Business Space may have split entirely.

So there you have it, a few trends to keep a look out for and plan around. Of Course things may soon change again so always be prepared to keep moving in a new direction.

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