Managing Your Social Media

Social Media is the most important factor of modern Business. You can reach older audiences via the television and have a universal reach with product placement in films but the best place to sell products or services is online.
This blog will quickly go over how to utilize each of the Major Social Media Platforms and which Audiences they attract.


LinkedIn is known as Facebook for Business but unlike its fellow Social Network LinkedIn has managed to maintain serious relevance with a large Age Range. Your Audience will be almost exclusively Mid to High Ranking Professionals with the sprinkling of Students setting up accounts at the behest of Schools and Universities.
You’ll want to post semi-regular updates about your work on Personal and Business accounts. This gives your profile life and gives people more reason to connect with you. You then want to connect with as many people in similar fields as you to build your network. Remember, it's not what you know, it's who you know and these connections can either become a Client or Employer or lead to a Client or Employment.


Instagram is filled with Teenagers posting edgy emo photos in their room or on a night out but people in their 30’s Instagram has become a more mature place. Many will post about work, holidays or just the general progress of their lives.
On Instagram it is much better to focus on a Business account, posting updates about your Business and Brand, you can link this to a personal account but you will need to ensure your personal account is kept clean. Making connections can also be harder on Instagram although you may be able to effectively use the platform to advertise your product or service.


YouTube is one of the oldest platforms on the internet and is primarily used by people in their early teens to early 40’s so it's really a case of posting content to attract your niche. Luckily this wide net helps greatly and the only problem you will likely face is getting people to subscribe and watch your videos.
YouTube runs off of a personal connection so people following your other accounts, especially Brand and Business accounts will be unlikely to move, instead opting to watch a beauty vlogger, gamer or comedian who can offer that more personal experience.
For this there is no set formula for YouTube, its best to research what other Businesses are doing and also check out some full time content creators to see if there is anything they do that you could make use of.


The new kid on the block, TikTok has a very young audience offering short form content that, although you can upload up to 10 mins, should rarely pass 15 Seconds.
Many Businesses post 15 to 30 second memes or comedy skits and sometimes full on ads to fit into that time frame. But you have to remember, a large majority of TikTok users are in their teens and early 20’s. There are some more mature audiences but you should be mindful of this when attempting to make use of the platform.
It's also easy just to scroll past you. The way the algorithm works with an initial release seeing how many people watch your video more than once then repeating the process. This can make one video go viral whilst the other barely gets 300 Views. It's a tough platform to master.


Advertising on Twitter can be a huge success or a flop with most people utilizing personal accounts which they use to a professional standard. However most people on Twitter are looking to make the next viral quote tweet rather than search for products and services. This makes Twitter a hard place to utilize for little more than updates and a small amount of promotion.


Facebook as a platform is not the titan it used to be, it does hold some Video content and has the ability for you to open a shop but overall, Facebook is perhaps currently the worst place to promote your Business when compared to the others.
However, if you do choose to, employ a similar strategy to the one used on LinkedIn, instead adding in News Articles and Blog Posts. So you have more diversity but you may find limited success.


So that's the easiest way to grab some attention on the major Social Media Giants. Obviously the internet is always changing and very quickly so be on the lookout for any updated tips you may need!

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