Should You Use YouTube For Marketing?

YouTube is an insanely popular platform that has Hundreds of Thousands of Content uploaded onto it every single day.  This is why it has now become a Marketing Platform in its own right. But is it truly of any use when wading amongst the Cute Cat Videos, Beauty Vloggers, Gamers and Conspiracy Theories?

YouTube Has A Lot Of Content:

Every 60 Seconds, Hundreds of Hours of Video is uploaded to the most popular Video sharing Platform in the world. Second only to Google, YouTube is technically the 2nd Largest Search Engine in the world. It has become an integral part of our day to day lives.

Just the other day, whilst editing a Video I got stuck on a certain Edit I was trying to do. I simply looked up the problem on YouTube and had found a solution within half an hour. Simply put, YouTube is revolutionary.

Each month, 1 Billion People log onto YouTube to browse Content, by now it should be clear why this website is so important. But, you are vying for the attention of said 1 Billion People amongst an unfathomable tide of competitive Content.

So finding your Audience is imperative to success on the platform. Now if your Business has been in Operation for a while you can probably bring a small Audience to the Platform which will immediately help you grow.

Using YouTube Makes You Get Seen On Google:

Speaking of finding an Audience however… YouTube is obviously owned by Google, linking the two sites. Not only this, Google is a Universal Search Engine, meaning your Videos can also be seen in a regular Google Search. 

Now everyone hops onto Google at least once a day, it's perhaps the biggest part of our modern lives. The downside is, this has made use of Lazy with 60% of users clicking the first 3 Results, whilst 90% click the first 10. So you need to make sure you find your way into those top ten.

There are some easy ways to get your YouTube Channel/Videos up in the Google Algorithm. Firstly, link your Brands domain to YouTube. This lets Google and YouTube know your Channel is the Official Channel and when people search for your Business they will bump up any YouTube Content you have created.

Obviously you can take regular actions such as sharing Videos on other Social Media Platforms. But getting your Videos embedded in other peoples Websites will be the biggest boost to getting your YouTube Content.

Check Out Your Competition:

Now this one is a little more sneaky but, check out what your Competition is doing! Don’t copy them obviously, but check their upload schedule, how are they talking about their brand? What are they showing to the Audience? How are they promoting their YouTube Content?

This can give you an Insight in what actions to take but also make sure your Competitors aren’t taking your eyes away from you!

Learning Is Underrated?


Work Example: The Meetings Show