Instagram Reels - Are They For Business?

Social Networks have been a mainstay of Business since the early 2010’s, if not earlier. But now that new apps like TikTok have pushed the more mainstream Marketing Platforms to innovate, how can this help you?

Traditional Instagram

Instagram is used by everyone, from rich influencers, to your mother posting some embarrassing pictures that your boss will definitely ask you about. But above all Instagram has proven to be a powerful marketing tool.

People can spend hours a day scrolling through various social networks and Instagram offers various forms of content, from short Videos to cute images with quick shout outs to brands. Instagram has always been a blessing to those in marketing.

But recently, a challenger has appeared.

The Arrival Of TikTok

TikTok took the world by storm, especially over that period we were all stuck indoors, it seemed the whole world was on TikTok, and Businesses quickly took note.

You can find the biggest brands on TikTok, with their own accounts or being promoted by Influencers, in such a short time span it seemed TikTok was set to dominate, but, it has a few drawbacks.

Firstly, you are beholden to an ever changing algorithm that according to many users can randomly change, your viral advert could go silent within 24 hours! Not only that, your now trying to build a new audience and most importantly, you need to be posting constantly.

This just may not be plausible and whilst you can have fun with TikTok, it can be incredibly impractical for your business model. If you're an accounting firm, you can’t keep up to date with the latest dance trends!

In walks Insta Reels. Whilst at first not as successful as TikTok, Insta Reels has begun to grow its own audience. The best part is its part of the Instagram App, using those same algorithms you’ve got used to working with.

Working with reels means you can keep growing your audience, getting more eyes on your business, whilst not having to start from scratch on a new platform. Recently we tried out reels with a short little Video, which you can check out by clicking this link.

What We Found

So this quick screenshot shows how our first video on Reels was received.
Instagram Screenshot
Now we definitely need to do some more experimenting, but for now, it feels promising. Perhaps Reels, not TikTok, is the future of Social Media Marketing?

Advancing Visuals


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