5 Things I Learned Working In Social Media

This Blog is probably the easiest to write as it's just tips and tricks I’ve picked up from working in this Digital Space. It can be scary at first but the internet is an easy Beast to tame once you get the ropes.

1 Hashtags, Hashtags, Hashtags

Gen Z and Millennials have grown up in an age where it is common knowledge that the best time to take a Selfie is 5PM in the Late Spring and Early Autumn. We know to upload our photos and videos online between 5PM and 6PM preferably on a Friday or Saturday. And most importantly, we know Hashtags.

If you're ever stuck for Hashtags, ask your Kids, Nieces and Nephews, trust me, they will know exactly which ones to use. Hashtags need to be as general as possible whilst also having several accompanying but Specific Tags that allow the algorithms to hone in on what you're posting. 

You can never have too many and this applies to EVERY Social Media Platform from YouTube to Instagram.

2 Keywords

These tend to work in a similar fashion to Hashtags but instead focus more on Blogs and Websites. This doesn’t Necessarily mean writing the same word over and over so that Google will pick up your Article of Business better. It simply means use similar or the same word multiple times at intervals that seem natural.

Keywords are an important part of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) as again, it allows Algorithms to hone in on who to show your Brand, Content or Blog too. It also lets Search Engines like Google know that someone searching for ‘Keywords’ may be interested in this Blog, or specifically this segment of this Blog.

It's an easy concept to apply, but can be a harder one to grasp. So just jump in and see what happens.

3 All Social Media Is A Billboard

If you have a Piece of Content, be it a TikTok, a YouTube Video or a Blog, post it anywhere you can. LinkedIn (Just keep it professional), Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. And make sure you have links to all your Socials together like on a Link Tree.

The Billions upon Billions who use these sights are bound to see your work the more places it is shared too. Think of these Social Media Sites as various vast Oceans that are filled to the brim with food. You need as many Fish to Eat your food as possible so you place it in as many Oceans as possible. Simple premise and it's almost guaranteed to work.

4 Cook 3 Pies And Serve The Best

Not every piece of Content you create is going to be a hit, you may find going live on YouTube is a flop but you get thousands on TikTok. You may get Millions of views on your Insta Reel but only 10 on your YouTube Short.

If a certain type of Content is not working on a Specific Platform. Stop creating that Content for that Platform. You need to keep Evolving as the internet is ever changing and will outpace you if you let it. Just keep calm and focus on the Content that gets Clicks, Views and Engagement.

5 Collaboration

Collaborate with as many people as you can, speak to as many people in your field as you can. The internet is one gigantic place for networking. Even if you're dropping a message on Instagram it still counts and it can still lead to Clients and Work.

The old saying always holds true, it's not what you know, it's who you know.

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