5 Things To Keep Your Mind Active At Work

Keeping your mind active at work can be a tough job when the paperwork just keeps piling up and seems to keep coming without end. Here’s 5 simple tricks to stop you from falling asleep at your desk before the next quarterly report.


Everyone loves games. Be it Sports, Board Games or Video Games. Everyone loves games. So a simple way to keep your mind active when running through hours of paperwork can be to turn it all into your own personal game.

I.e, getting x amount of work done in x amount of time allows you to run and grab a coffee or keep the number of coffee’s you have before a certain time. Always have something fun for your brain to work on and calculate in the background and the workday will fly past.

Take Some Short Breaks

Speaking of Coffee, getting up to make yourself a drink or quickly running down to the shops for a snack or look at the paper can give your brain the small breather it needs to reset and figure out that problem you’ve been stuck on since it was slammed on your desk at 8am.

Breaks aren’t a bad thing and sometimes you need them more than you realise.

Personal Deadlines

Similar to Gamifying your work day, setting Personal Deadlines can help keep the workday fresh and exciting. Most importantly they can keep you motivated. Ensuring that you have a report on your bosses desk two hours early or simply having it ready two hours early and giving yourself some rest. Can completely change how you view your workload.

It’s all about energising your workload so it’s that little bit easier for you to push through it.

Stay focused

If you're not interested in the work you're doing it can be incredibly easy to simply not want to do it and get distracted. Sometimes you just have to power through and Stay Focused. Luckily you can implement a variety of these tips to help you achieve that task.

Staying Focused can be the hardest thing to do when your mind wants to wander, so finding the best ways to help you stay focused is a personal challenge. Again, something you can Gamify.

Think Of Home

If you really need that last drop of motivation, think of home. The workday may last until a set time, but perhaps if you finish the Jerfferson report by 4.35 your boss may feel like letting you off early.

It’s a simple trick but it can be applied to any afterwork reward, like a trip to the pub or a nice kebab on the way home. Often just thinking of that reward can motivate you throughout the workday.


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