5 Ways To Build An Audience On YouTube

Growing an audience on any Social Media platform can be a tricky endeavor and it can take away to grow any large scale audience. YouTube especially can have slower growth than most but once you’ve grown it can also offer the most rewards. Here’s a few simple ways to grow your Audience on YouTube.

YouTube Shorts

At first many people assumed YouTube Shorts would disappear from the platform fairly quickly but have instead found themselves with their own special tab and a stream of steady users. As YouTube plans to roll out monetisation for this short form content it makes YouTube a real TikTok competitor.

With all this in mind it's no wonder many people have begun making shorts and YouTube has gone on to incentivise creators to make them. YouTube Shorts get an automatic algorithm boost above your more longform Content and as they are shorter there is a chance four or five of your shorts will be seen by new viewers. This has allowed many smaller creators to grow far larger audiences than they would have been able to just a short time ago.


Hashtags are important on any platform. Here they are just as important but can be used in various ways. The first way to use hashtags is to place them at the bottom of your YouTube Video description. The first three hashtags you place here will be placed next to the title of your video. These three are extra important as they will be the biggest help to the algorithm in where they show your video and who they show it too.

There is also a specific tag section in the more advanced upload options that you can use when uploading YouTube videos. These work in a similar way as the hashtags described above but can be generalised for the YouTube Channel as a whole to again help the algorithm place your content.

Good Titles

Titling your YouTube video correctly is one of the most important things you can do. A boring title or a filename will cause your content to get lost amongst the hundreds of thousands of hours of YouTube videos uploaded every day.

You want a flashy title, with the contents of the video laid out and perhaps a little clickbait thrown in. As an example you could title a video on Marketing “5 Ways To Market Your Product | The Importance Of Modern Marketing | 2023”. This not only helps viewers and subscribers understand the contents of the video, but also the YouTube Algorithm.


Collaborating with larger or even similarly sized YouTube Channels is almost essential to growing your own channel. This allows for you to gain some of their audience and if they are of a similar size to you, it allows them to gain some of yours.

Collaborating can be harder when running a Business but it also provides a network with other creators in your field. The easiest form of this is simply podcast appearances or interviews. Depending on your Business or simply your YouTube genre, the type of Collaboration you have will be very different from someone else’s.


The Thumbnail is THE most important part of Your YouTube video once it has been shown to someone via the algorithm. A Flashy Thumbnail needs to immediately grab the attention of the regular YouTube user or they click on another video. You have les than a second to grab the attention of someone scrolling through YouTube as an endless sea of content gives them an almost unlimited choice depending on their viewing preferences.

Of Course the Thumbnail and the Title need to work together so making sure you get these right is absolutely paramount!


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