5 Ways To Boost Motivation In The Workplace

Keeping everyone motivated in a workplace can not only be a difficult task but with larger teams, also a big one. If you're stuck for ideas on what to do to keep motivation flowing throughout your workplace, below are 5 ideas to help you out.

Good Old Pub

Nothing allows for a relaxing end of the day than a trip to the pub. If everyones heading down there, why not make it an event for the entire office. Having everyone there can get people involved with a pub quiz or just having co-workers get used to each other in a more social environment.

This can also be a little coffee shop or bar if you have no nearby pubs or simply don’t like the idea of them. These ideas can be moulded to fit your specific needs.

Work Get Away

Rather than a night out at the pub, perhaps a bit of work to get away to help with team building could be in order. Why not a weekend of paintball? Get everyone on the pitch for a weeklong footy boot camp? Perhaps a spa day?

A work get away is the easiest to mould to your team and their working hours. Being as long or as short as you need it. Allowing for team building and bonding whilst also relieving a little bit of stress.


If you want, we can step in to help out with our own Event, Doodleledo. Doodleledo is a space where anyone can draw. With fun exercises to bring out your inner child and allow people to interact in a carefree environment. 

Doodleledo doesn’t have to be a simple company event either! You can come along to one of our events or book your own for a specific team or your whole office. Letting people destress and have fun, all from sitting down together and doodling.

Motivational Prizes

Sometimes getting people motivated can be much simpler. Say producing x results gets your team y day off paid. This could also be smaller prizes such as a giant pencil or a small cash prize.

Motivational Prizes tie work itself in with the motivation. So they’re certainly one of the more efficient forms of motivation but may not have long lasting effects as people get used to a new routine.

Balancing Work

Sometimes it's good to just let your team take their foot off the accelerator for a little while and lighten their workload. This may be this can keep team members in a decent work flow whilst also allowing them to rest up a little and avoid burnout.

Obviously at some point work will get more intense but the fluctuation of balancing out work means that the team is more refreshed when that moment comes.


Education Work Example


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