5 New Things To Try This Year

It's a new year and we’re just getting settled in. You may feel stuck in a rut doing the same old thing day in and day out, so, here’s a few things you can try this year that can fit nicely in your day to day life.


Jogging in the early morning can jig your body into action. Getting you ready to push through the day at the office, working from home or even on the building site. It can be a time in the early morning where you're by yourself, alone with your thoughts and just taking a break from the stresses of your daily life.

You can also go jogging with a friend or partner. Although if you're anything like me you’ll be too out of breath to talk. Jogging may not be a relaxing hobby but it's a healthy way to relieve stress on a weekday morning before work.


Getting your brain more active with a solid doodling session can also help boost your mood and take the stress out of your day. Just let your imagination run wild from the comfort of your own bed if you want too.

Alternatively you can meet some new people at an event like Doodleledo which we run for companies or just regular events by ourselves. Meeting new faces and showing yourself, anyone can draw.

Overall Doodling, drawing, painting, it just gives your mind a little break from everything else that may be buzzing around.


It may seem like a childish hobby but it can be an incredibly good way to relax if you have the time free. It can be much harder to fit Gaming around work but playing in short bursts can still help to build that reprieve that you need from a hard day's work.

Going to the Gym

The Gym can be a real safe space and a place for people to purely just vent their frustrations. The Gym is a really great place to make friends who are into similar hobbies as you and oftentimes you’ll find many people willing to give you tips and tricks to help you on your way.

Much like Jogging you can put in your headphones and hide from the world or you can workout with a friend and get in some much needed catch ups with friends you wouldn’t normally get to see!

Bird Watching

Bird Watching can be a nice relaxing activity to partake in by yourself or with a group of friends on the weekend. Getting out into nature and allowing your mind to drift ase you take your time with some of the world's cutest inhabitants.

Obviously it's a much slower paced hobby but it can be an interesting and very relaxing one.


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Parenting Doodle