5 Tech Trends To Watch out For

Tech is incredibly important to Businesses in all industries, from fast food, to B2B, there are a million ways incoming Tech can make or break your Business. This blog will cover 5 things you need to look out for over the next few years.

Smarter Tech

Tech is coming along leaps and bounds, especially in the field of AI. AI Art now finds itself in YouTube videos, Games and even on Book covers. AI Blogs are steadily becoming trendy. Amazon has robots that can deliver your package. Tech is getting smarter. Perhaps we should all be worried about Terminators pretty soon.

Or we need to be making sure our Businesses are making use of the latest tech and software. On the other hand, we need to also double check costs, efficiency and simply if the Tech is going anywhere. AI blogs for example are still incredibly limited and incredibly expensive.

Virtual and Alternative Reality.

The Metaverse is the next frontier for many spaces. Business, Gaming, Movies. As the Metaverse and the Tech surrounding it expands it's another thing to look at and figure out if it can help your Brand. At the very least, Virtual Reality has found some success and the advent of devices like the Woojer Vest that allows you to feel Gameplay, shows that this Tech has a long, long way to go. Definitely worth keeping an eye on.

Quantum Computing

It may be a little while before Quantum Computers are a mainstream thing but they are, in fact, heading that way. Microsoft, AWS, Google and many others are all dipping their fingers into Quantum Computing. 

It’s not hard to see the tech rolling out faster than we thought possible 10 years ago as even 100 years ago the tech we have today would seem impossible. It would be the next great leap forward in technology opening up new avenues for Businesses, Gamers and Governments alike.

Cyber Security

Keeping your Business safe from Hackers is something that is growing ever more important. Only a little while ago CD Projekt Red found itself held ransom by hackers and the problem continues to grow.

It may cost a lot but decent Security for the Tech in your Business is paramount and will always be an arms race with Hackers your more than likely one step behind in.

Brand New Energy Solutions

We all need energy to power our Homes, Cars and even our Phones. With the older ways of providing energy becoming less favourable as time goes on it opens the door for new and more efficient ways to generate Energy for our society.

Things like Tidal Power, Nuclear Energy and even harnessing the power of Thermal Vents in the deep ocean could lead to the next leap forward in powering our lives.


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