5 Ways To Grow Engagement On Instagram

Instagram is one of the older platforms out there on the internet. Bought out by Facebook, now Meta, it has undergone many changes since it first launched on the 6th of October 2010. There are many ways to try and go viral but they too have changed over time. So here are 5 Ways to grow engagement on Instagram.

Follow The Trends

Much like TikTok, Instagram has trends. These may be the same as TikToks or completely different. The important thing to remember is that these two apps have entirely different audiences, although there is a small overlap, Instagram tends to attract a more Millenal base compared to TikToks Gen Z one.

Obviously Instagram covers Images, Stories and Reels so you need to keep a close eye on all three of these to stay up to date. You may even find a Trend from TikTok will move over to Instagram so it can be important to observe other Platforms as well to see if any Trends cross over.

Make Use Of Reels

Reels are a fairly new addition to Instagram, pretty much springboarding off of the popularity of TikTok. Reels are a little more limited than what you can now do on TikTok but they are improving as time goes on. Some TikTok creators are even saying that they are finding they get more views and interaction on Instagram Reels than they do on TikTok.

Plus with Reels being on the same app as all your other Insta bits it can help grow your following on the Platform.

Make Use Of Stories

Instagram Stories are an obvious rip off of Snapchat but as time has gone on, Snapchat has fallen to the wayside (although still popular). Instagram Stories are a way to ensure your Audience is going to see an important Post. It may even bring attention to a post you have put up and increase engagement.

Stories may not help you grow your following but it can be a useful tool keeping your Followers up to date.


Hashtags are incredibly important on any Social Media platform and are worth bringing up when looking to grow your engagement on any of them. What Hashtags you go on to use of course depend greatly on the content you are making and uploading on various Social Media Sites.

You will want some Hashtags to be more specific to draw in a certain audience whilst also having very general Hashtags to help your post get higher up in the algorithm.

Keep Your Posts Short

On Visual Platforms like Instagram and TikTok. You don’t want four miles of text putting people off of viewing your content. Keep descriptions on Posts short. If you have a lot to say about a post, link it perhaps to a YouTube Video or blog but don’t add everything to that description.

Especially on Platforms like TikTok where you’re extremely limited on Characters for Video Descriptions. Instagram you have more room to have larger descriptions but this may not be the best idea.




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