5 Ways To Advertise Your Event

Events can be tricky to get out there in the 21st Century. For a start people are less likely to leave their local area if they can and many choose simply to work from home and go to virtual events. Yet IRL Events are still a fairly big thing world wide. From Comic Con to Tech events. But how do you get your event out there? Check Out These 5 Simple Ways To Advertise Your Event.

Social Media Marketing

This is probably the most common and perhaps most effective form of marketing in the 2020’s. You can Spam the same ad campaign from sites such as Facebook to TikTok, then YouTube and Instagram. Saving you money and time. Most of the time you’ll only have to change the aspect ratio and a little bit of editing to fit your ad campaign across multiple platforms.

Content Creator Sponsorships

Celebrities are slowly falling out of fashion and product placement in films is too easy to spot by modern audiences. That’s why many Brands have turned to Content Creators. Much like the ads mentioned above you can use the same campaign across platforms with different Content Creators. Only changing things up depending on the style or the Creator and what Platform they are on.

You could also have your chosen Content Creator turn up to your event so that they help to boost its popularity the next year. Sometimes just advertising a Creator will be there can help boost attendance.


Television Advertising is a format a lot of people are used to. It is most effective inside the US with more Ad Breaks and more Ads. It can still be useful in the UK, although around the world, more and more people are switching to streaming services. Although Ads are being shown on more and more of these and it’s likely many Streaming Services will offer a free service with Ads in the future, much like Spotify so this may be viable in the future.

Online Ads

Online Ads are that tiny bit more varied than Social Media Marketing in that they are full of ads. Appearing in Google Search, History Research and Gaming Websites. They also allow for fairly targeted Ads, cheaply. You know if you run Ads on a Warhammer fan site that you can target similar demographics to fans of that Tabletop Game.

They're probably the oldest form of Marketing on the Internet but that doesn’t mean their effectiveness has entirely waned.

Advertising At Other Events

Perhaps the most simple option is to just advertise your Event, at another Event. Obviously you will need to make sure your Events are similar and you have the permission to Advertise your Event at theirs. But overall this could be the most effective Strategy. Someone at Gamescom will probably be interested in Comic Con for example.


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