5 Different Visual Mediums

At Natalka Design we’re always talking about Visual Communication and Visual Storytelling, but how many different kinds of Visuals are there? Well here is a quick list of all the Visual Mediums available to you and your Business.


Animation is a form of Visual Communication people have utilised in everything from advertisements for products to boardroom infomercials. Animation is incredibly versatile and can be used to pull in Clients and/or Customers or train up new staff members and everything in between.

Animation does get branded as something mostly for children but its Business Applications in things like Explainer Animations cannot be understated.


Infographics are simply taking information and placing it in a visual medium. You can use pie charts that look like tropical islands and deserts to show how certain biomes take up certain amounts of space of skyscrapers in the place of a bar chart.

Infographics can be used to show any real numerical information in a more visually appealing way which means more people are likely to take notice and absorb said information.

Live Scribe

Live Scribe is exactly what it sounds like. It is the task of a ‘Scribe’ to sit in on an Event on Meeting and take notes but in a visual manner. Taking what would be pages upon pages of Meeting Notes into a sleek and simple Visual Medium.

You can then take this Live Scribe Visual and display on Websites or use it to describe simple and quickly, what your Event was all about and what to expect in the future. Live Scribing is simply a way of taking key moments and having them in an easily displayed and explainable format.

The Time Machine (1960)

Data Visualisation is simply mixing Animation with Infographics. Taking the best of the two and creating a quick and simple medium to deliver information to your audience. You’ve probably seen many videos in this style on YouTube where a bar chart expands to show a statistic over time.


Video, much like Animation is incredibly versatile. Video in itself has a myriad of sub genres such as Vlogs, Documentaries and Explainer Videos. Using Video is almost essential in the 21st Century as peoples attention spans decrease every year. 

Its versatility however does allow for you to create something truly specific to your Brand, there is almost no limit using this Visual Medium.


We All Have A Topic


Live Scribing An Event