5 Reasons Explainer Videos Work

Explainer Videos are normally simple animations displaying infographics and/or a narration discussing the services or products of a Business. They can be used for other purposes but they are primarily utilised by Businesses.

According to Wyzowl, a company currently leading the world in Animated Explainer Videos, around 96% of people watch such Content. This shows that Explainer Videos are useful and could help your Business, but how and why? Well, here’s five reasons to check them out.


Explainer Videos don’t just need to be used to bring in new staff members and teach them the ropes of the company or display a new product to potential investors. Explainer Videos can be used to explain the process of something, like how the Grand Canyon was created or a company's history.

You can also show what your Brand stands for to the outside world. Most importantly you can use Explainer Videos for Tutorials meaning you can get new staff members to work from home and learn the ropes without getting everyone awkwardly piled into a conference room on a Saturday afternoon.


As we’ve looked at a number of times in these blogs, Visuals are simply more effective at grabbing the attention of potential Clients and Customers. Once you have the attention of the intended audience, be it Clients, Customers or even Staff. They are more likely to remember the information laid out in front of them if it's in a Visual Format.

It's also a lot more personal than a textbook is and greatly decreases the amount of time needed to learn more complex tasks. Especially because text isn’t forbidden in an Explainer Video, but it serves more of a complementary role.

Increase Your Income

The same folks from Wyzowl found that 84% of people have gone on to purchase a product or use a service after they have watched an Explainer Video from that Brand. This can be achieved in a number of ways, from a quick ad appearing inside a TV Show or running ads on YouTube.

You just have to make sure your Explainer Video is aiming at your Target Audience or you may find it ineffective. I.e an Explainer Video on the History Of Star Wars may not help you sell Star Wars Merch but an Explainer Video appearing before a Video on Visual Communication on YouTube aimed at a similar Target Audience as the Video. Could drive some traffic your way.

Saving You Time

We’ve all had battles with Clients or Customers who haven’t read the instructions on their new vacuum or couldn’t get their broadband to work. Explainer Videos can act as a sort of middle man, meaning they Explain the situation to the Client or Customer and hopefully reduce the need for Call Centres or even having yourself ready to answer every question thrown at the Business at all hours of the day.

You’ll still need to talk to some Clients and Customers but the more basic questions can easily be covered with an Explainer Video.

Keep It Simple

As we briefly went over earlier. Explainer Videos mean you need less time to train someone up on a machine or explain a Product to a Potential Customer. Well this is the most important piece of the puzzle in the 21st Century.

Our attention spans have been slowly decreasing as time goes on. Some Scientists claim this is due to the rise of things like TikTok and Instagram but as a knock on effect, Businesses must adapt with the times.

An Explainer Video can get information across Visually, Colourfully and Quickly meaning however you use them, you will most likely gain some success from them.


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