5 Different Types Of YouTube Video

When creating content for your Business YouTube is one of the most popular places to go. But in an ever growing vast sea of content, it can be fairly confusing. Here are five of the most common types of content on the YouTube Platform and how best they suit your Business.

The Vlog

Probably the most common type of media you will come across on YouTube is the Vlog. Vlogging has been a staple on the platform for well over 10 years at this point and is itself an incredibly diverse category to dive into.

You can have Holiday Vlogs, Business vlogs, Food Vlogs, it's really limitless. Vlogs just simply allow for a look into the personal lives of creators, Brands and everything in between. Vlogs can be useful for Brands as it can help bring in a younger audience to your business or a vlog can easily provide an update for how things are going.

Simply put, vlogs are helpful to business because you can easily use them for marketing purposes, i.e have a happy group of people discuss ideas in a boardroom. Or you can simply have updates about what your brand is doing.

Short Animations

These are not as common as vlogs but animation has certainly found its niche on YouTube. Again this is mainly due to its versatility, lending itself to children's programming, adult comedies and yes, even Business.

You can utilise Explainer Animations when promoting a new product or explaining policy to new staff members. You can use Animation in an advert and all of these can find themselves on YouTube, potentially being seen by millions.

The only drawback to Animation is that it is harder to produce and takes much more time and money. This means that compared to a Vlog which you can create quickly and cheaply you may have to pour a little more time into an Animated piece.

Gaming Videos And Live streams

These are incredibly common across the platform. Content Creators such as Pewdiepie and Markiplier may have moved onto different things, creating much more varied content now but this was where they got their start and forged an entire new genre of content that would eventually lead to popularity of Live Streaming Games.

This one is more brand specific but you could easily have colleagues or staff playing say a horror game while talking about the amazing services you provide. Make it look like a challenge. Overall this may not be the best choice to use to promote your Brand on YouTube however.


This is a slowly growing genre on YouTube. Don’t look to the days of National Geographic and History Channels height although programs in their style do appear. Many Documentaries on YouTube are recorded from the Creator’s bedroom.

This has led to another diverse genre looking at everything from Video Game Lore, to History and of course, to Businesses. This again makes it easily adaptable to a more Professional YouTube Channel as you can easily create a simplistic Documentary style video talking about certain aspects of your Business.


Most Businesses, such as Bethesda Softworks, ITV and HSBC will drop adverts and Trailers on YouTube as they often will get more attention than they do on TV or Radio. This is less of an adaption for Business and more of a style of content that is literally premade for Businesses to utilise.


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