5 Tips To Start The Day

Some of us are certainly not morning people. Personally I find myself much more at home working into the early hours of the morning than waking up during them. If you're like me and you need some extra motivation to avoid tapping that snooze button for the fifth time in five minutes, here’s a few tips to help.

Plan The Day Ahead

The easiest way to make sure you don’t waste too much time, snuggled up, warm in bed, is to make sure you simply don’t have the time. Set yourself chores, meetings, a set amount of work you need to get done before the day is over. 

Obviously you need to plan this around your job and everything else you need to do. You may not even get everything you set for yourself done, but you don’t need too. These extra tasks are simply to fill your day with enough work that you have to get out of bed. Keeping you from missing the bus to work.

Plenty Of Alarms

If you're really struggling, set yourself several alarms on your phone, maybe have a back up alarm clock to really make sure, there is no way you can escape the morning sunshine. This may seem like a more drastic measure but it's better than waking up to your friend blaring their car horn as they wait for you outside.

Plan Ahead The Night Before

Try and get everything you're going to need ready before you have to rush to work or catch a flight. This way if your alarms fail you and you wake up in a rush, you can hop in the shower and get straight to your tasks without worrying about everything else you need to do.

This one is the reverse of the first tip but as everyone is different these two different approaches will be able to help different people.

Work Later

If it's an option to you. The easiest way to avoid rushing for the car keys because you needed to be in the office 2 hours ago can be avoided if you simply work later. Rolling out of bed at 10 in the morning and not leaving the office until midnight may suit your body clock better.

Obviously this option simply isn’t available to everyone but if your body runs more smoothly during the nighttime, looking at jobs and careers that fit this could be a good idea.


This one isn’t for everyone. You don’t have to use Coffee, you can wake up to a cup of tea, some bacon, or anything else. ‘The idea is to create a pattern for your brain. It’s 7am, time to get up and fry some sausages’ style plan. The brain is wired to patterns so using this to form a habit, could help you get up earlier in the morning. It’s completely customisable to you.


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