5 Ways To Grab Attention On LI

LinkedIn is an incredibly useful tool. But like any tool, you need to make sure you're using it properly. Here’s a few quick tips to make sure you get noticed by the right people on LinkedIn.

Colourful Yet Professional

Many people will tell you that you need a plain and professional profile picture for your LinkedIn Profile. Now this varies on what industry you are in. A Copyright Firm will probably look for more professionalism but an Animation Studio may look for more smiles and you simply having fun.

The easiest balance here is a profile picture displaying you working, either on a project, in the office or even a building site. And looking happy. If you look happy in your chosen field, it shows you will probably be more productive if hired into that field.

In the end it's all about balance.

Post Your Work

You want to post regular updates about your work. Whether that's freelance or a job you have currently, it could even be a few bits you pulled together at University, College or School.

You Simply want to show people that you're active and always improving the skill set they will be hiring you based upon.

Link Your Other Social Media

You want to be posting as much as you can to other Social Media such as YouTube and Instagram. Obviously you want these accounts to focus on your professional work but it also shows that you are working hard and getting your work out there.

Try to avoid sharing personal Social Media around as this may have the adverse effect of putting potential employers off of hiring you if they see things they don’t particularly like.

Seek Connections

Waiting around and hoping to be noticed on LinkedIn isn’t the best strategy. You need to start initiating the conversation with people as you would any networking event, taking place in real life. These conversations can simply be focused on growing your network or it can be focused on building genuine connections that could be useful to you later.

Show Your Success

LinkedIn gives you the ability to show off your past education, such as University or School. But it also gives you the opportunity to show off your experience in the workplace, or even through freelance work that you have completed.

This is incredibly important, especially the experience as it shows off what you have done in the past and makes it easier for potential employers to get references off of past employees. This can also be achieved by getting people to drop you a little message in the recommendations tab.


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