5 Tips For Artists/Writers Block

We’ve all experienced Artists or Writers block at some point. Whether it's creating an infographic or writing the next A Song Of Ice And Fire. We’ve all got stuck once or twice, here’s some tips to help you out in the future!.

Take A Quick Walk

Sometimes your brain can just get bogged down after sitting at your desk for hours looking through pages of notes as the sun begins to set. Sometimes standing up, making a cup of tea or doing other mundane tasks can help out with the problem just by simply allowing your mind to drift.

You can also take a stroll in your local neighbourhood, park or even woodlands if you find yourself needing a longer walk to refresh your mind. Allowing your mind to coast along and relax gives it time to work on those harder problems you’ve been stuck on.

Nap Time

This is an underrated part of adulthood and not all of us get the opportunity to do so. But if you're working from home and completely stuck on what to write, draw or doodle, a nap can allow your brain to reboot in a similar way to those mundane tasks.

Even if it’s for 15 mins your body may appreciate the rest it provides. Your brain uses up energy like any other organ. So it's important to have a recharge every now and then.


If you want to make writing easier you can always finish a chapter, paragraph or sentence, with unfinished text. This is simply a case of only writing half a sentence, knowing where you were going to take that sentence and allow your mind to drift back into the flow you had the last time you were writing.

The same thing can be done with artwork of various kinds. Leaving a doodle partially finished with you knowing what you planned to do next allows you to seamlessly drop back into what you were doing previously.

Show Your Work To Someone Else

Sometimes, if you get really stuck, you just need someone else to come along and point you in the right direction. Their tips may set you on the right track to where you need to be in order to finish your written or visual work.

Revisit Work The Next Day

If you find yourself completely stumped, leave it for some time, this may take 5 minutes, this may take a week. If you have the time available to you, give yourself the time to look back at your work from a new perspective and see if that changes how you view said work.

Obviously if your working to a deadline this may not be the most helpful suggestion but even a short five minute break can help your brain to re-energise and find the solution to your problem.


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