5 Ways To Grow Engagement On TikTok

TikTok is a brand new beast on the Social Media Front. Growing to new heights of Popularity during the Lockdown. It has become an increasingly important part of not just a Businesses Social Media presence. But also a big part of your marketing strategy.

Here’s 5 quick tips to help with engagement on this Social Media Frontier.

Keep It Short

The Human attention span has been decreasing rapidly since the early 2000’s. It now sits at around 8.25 Seconds. This obviously isn’t good for most traditional forms of media, however, it works perfectly on TikTok.

If possible, try to keep shorts under 30 seconds as most people simply scroll endlessly. The best way to keep people watching and clicking on that link in the bio is to aim for around 15 seconds. There are exceptions to this rule, such as…

Make A Story

Reddit Stories have taken over TikTok at this point. It wouldn’t be misplaced to say they're more popular on the Video Sharing App than the original site they're often taken from. This shows that Narrative Storytelling still pulls in audiences.

In order to have longer videos, they need to have some kind of narrative. These can be as simple as a day in the life or some small updates on a project you're working on. Keeping people invested in an ongoing storyline is an easier way to drive engagement.

Reply To Comments 

Comments are a major driving force in how many people see your videos on TikTok. You can go viral and have high view counts without them, but they certainly do help. If you reply to these comments and in turn generate conversations and more comments. This shows TikTok that you are an active creator and people are engaging with your content.

This means TikTok will push your content to more people as your content is keeping them on the platform. However, you probably want to push people off TikTok to your other platforms or websites, this can get tricky…


You may have noticed people using terms such as ‘The Red Video App’ or the ‘Special Camera App’ whilst browsing TikTok. This is simply because TikTok often shadowbans content trying to push people off of their platform.

So how do you navigate around this? Simply follow the title of this section. Codewords. YouTube became ‘The Red Video App’, Instagram the ‘Special Camera App’. When talking about your own website you can pick your own code phrase, like the ‘Internet Office’ or anything you feel like! Just avoid those pesky algorithms.

Post Daily

You need to post at least once a day on TikTok in order to show the various algorithms on the app you are a Content Creator with a regular upload schedule. This one is pretty simple there’s no extra tips, it’s just feeding TikTok with content so they know they can push your account without worrying you will suddenly stop uploading.


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