5 Ways To Utilize YouTube For Business

Various different forms of Social Media are now pretty much essential to the success of your Business and Brand. Instagram is the easiest to send out quick updates and viral images or reels, but YouTube can really capture the personality of a brand.

Of Course YouTube is also the hardest platform to really see any real growth. It can seem daunting but these 5 Tips should help you out!

Introduce Your Brand To The World

Nowadays you can flick on Twitter and Wendys is having an argument with Mcdonalds. Go on YouTube however and you get a much more in depth look into the various brands that we see every day of our lives.

Some companies will just post trailers, much like Bethesda but others will give an insight into who they are and their day to day lives. This sort of friendly repertoire can be essential, especially if your Business is more service based than product based. You want people to feel that they can contact you at any time of the day, come rain or shine!

So create videos talking about animation or vlogs of you going to an event, even have your team jump in from time to time. You want to show your brand to as many people as possible whilst not forcing them to look at it. Essentially, creating content people will enjoy, without realising you're selling your brand to them.

Give People Some Helpful Tips

Much like this blog giving some helpful tips, tutorials and how to videos can easily build a fanbase on YouTube. And remember, even though you are making content to promote your Business, you are still in a space where people come, primarily to view entertainment. These videos help to create the blend between your world of Business and the entertaining world of Content Creation.

Tutorial videos are a very popular genre on YouTube as well so they could be an easy way to garner views if you do not already have an audience established by your Business. 

Call To Action

You can play off of the how to, helpful tips and tutorial genres with more complex tutorials. Keep these around services or products you offer, then at the end of the video, offer your services or product to the audience, as an alternative to having to follow your steps themselves.

By now you're the friendly content creator they all know and love which brings people into the Business from the YouTube Channel as that is the ultimate goal of the Channel. A call to action as the end of any video such as “I’ll be going to x event at x time see you all there” adds to the sense of involvement and again, helps bring attention to your Business.

Influencer Updates

Now there are multiple ways to take this segment of the blog. The first is to become a pseudo-influencer. Acting as an influencer would primarily promote your Business. This can be vlogs, tutorials, maybe the odd little gaming or dance video.

But you don’t necessarily need to post a million vlogs about your walk to starbucks. Just important events you have coming up or any new exciting projects you're working on. People want to feel connected to the brands they buy into, either by paying for services or products.

You can also have this covered by other members of your team or more professional update videos, similar to those displayed by CD Projekt Red or Paradox Interactive the Gaming Development Studios.


If you watch any channels that look over History, Mythology or Folklore, you’ll see a common pattern. They all tell a story. Now again this can be easily utilised with stories of the Businesses founding, how certain team members joined the Business. 

You can also utilise the storytelling format for products and how they came to market, videos on how your services can help another up and coming brand. You just need a beginning, middle and an end to keep the audience motivated in watching your content. Watching channels with topics such as folklore or even information on fantasy and science fiction can help greatly when learning how to do this.


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