5 Tips To Create An Engaging Business Strategy

Running a Business of any shape and size can be a stressful and obviously time consuming process. To help you out here are five quick and simple tips to make things a little easier no matter the size of your business.

Getting The Right Connections

We’ve all seen various episodes of Dragons Den and Shark Tank. It can be hard to start a Business from the ground up and harder still without any help. Now you don’t need to head over to the BBC and apply for Dragons Den right now, but you do need to make some contacts in or around your industry.

You can do this the old fashioned way at Networking Events, getting to know people via Twitter or sending out some cold emails. Alternatively you can take a look through LinkedIn, grabbing people who could help grow your Business or even become potential clients. You could also come to one of your Doodleledo Events for a more relaxed environment to get to know potential Contacts.

The point is, you don’t just want anyone and everyone, but people who can either help lead to work for your Business or lead you onto a path to help your Business grow.

Keep The Ideas Coming

Congratulations you just invented a new kind of Rubber Duck that has taken the world by storm but you can’t just be a Company that sells Rubber Ducks forever! You need new ideas and fast. 

Firstly, are there any new ways to market your Rubber Ducks to ensure sales stay high whilst you look at new products or perhaps a new service to run alongside your Rubber Duck products? Don’t be afraid to turn to your team for ideas and more importantly, don’t feel afraid to take those ideas onboard. 

You need to inspire ideas and vision in your team as much as in yourself in order to keep your Business going and also growing.

Proper Resource Management

Money is the key to Business and your main resource. If you can have three people, write, edit and publish an article or work on an event in a week do you need a fourth team member? Do you need an AI, this could speed up the process but may end up costing more and probably still require proof reading.

You need to plan out your various resources and how much of your primary resource, money, it will set you back. Do you need a small office for a small team or is it a better use of resources to have them work remote? If they're working remotely, do you still need to supply them with office items?

This can’t really be done on the fly and you need to be two or three steps ahead of your own plan.

Research Time

No matter how long you're running a Business your going to spend a lot of time researching trends, service providers, equipment, what your competitors are doing, etc. This is obviously, incredibly time consuming and really never ending.

Especially early on you need to consider how much time you need to put aside a week or a month for this specifically? Do you need to hire someone or a team to do this research? Various aspects of your budget and time have to be looked into here. 

You then have to compile the data you have researched and store it so you can utilise it and compare it with more data in the future.

Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance

With all these tips there was one easy link. Planning. Before going into any Business, do your research, ask questions and look at what other startups are doing. This also applies when starting a new service or launching a new product.

Try to ensure you know what you're going into, before you have to go into it. The more rigorous the planning, the less chance of failure. Obviously giving yourself wiggle room to alter things, should the need arise.


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