5 Tips For Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is one of the best ways to grab new customers and clients in the face paced world of the modern internet. From Content Creators on YouTube and TikTok to old fashioned Google Ads, Digital Marketing is a big part of modern Business.

Make Use Of Multiple Platforms

Today you can run ads or create your own videos on YouTube. You can post updates to Instagram. You can post snippets to TikTok and cute animations to Facebook. You want to make sure you're on as many of these Social Media Platforms as possible. 

Making use of their Ad Space as well as posting content yourself. This ensures your casting a wide net and simply gives more chances of people finding you and buying your product or using your services.

Make It Personal

When posting a story to Instagram or an update post on Facebook, add a personal flair. You want people to see a human side to your business, whether that be the occasional meme or simply you talking about your day.

People like that feeling of connection to your personal life. This is one reason why you may have noticed TIkTok accounts like the DuoLingo Brand Account posting fun adventures. Instead of marketing the app to you, it markets the fun that the staff are having, giving the impression of close friends or family working together. This can be really helpful for gaining new customers or clients.

Keep It Mobile Friendly

Nowadays people can’t get away from their phones. This means you need to bear this in mind when marketing online or in any digital space. A TikTok advert needs to be short and in the same aspect ratio as the app, an advert on youtube needs to look good in portrait and landscape mode. 

This goes beyond ads and even your website needs to function decently on Mobiles as there is a decent chance a Client may check you out after getting a LinkedIn Invite.These changes are often simple and there are many websites designed to make web design easy.

Just remember when creating any content, you need a secondary version that suits Mobile Phones.

Make Content People Want To See

This is an important one. Many people run ad blockers for a reason. Even I find myself hovering over that skip button before a YouTube Video I’m watching. The thing is, people hate being advertised. 

It doesn’t matter if you're running a 30 Second Facebook Ad for a 15 Minute Video on YouTube. People need to want to watch your content. This can easily be figured out by looking into competitors, asking clients or customers, even dropping surveys out to your target audience.

Content Creators

Influencers, Content Creators, Youtubers, TikTokers. They have a variety of names but what they also have is a loyal fanbase. Often more loyal than a Celebrity as these people play games, meet up and often grow with their audience. This makes utilising them for marketing incredibly important.

Sponsoring a YouTube Content Creator like Mr Beast can ensure your product or service is seen by Millions of People. If you can also grab an endorsement these fans will likely at least try your product or service out, purely to help support their favourite Content Creator. 

Depending on the size of these Influencers however, they can be expensive.


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