5 Ways To Grow Event Engagement

When running an Event it can be difficult to keep people entertained, especially if it's just networking. How do you engage and keep people at your event once they're there? Here’s a few helpful tips to keep people until the main event at the end of the day!

Live Polling

Events nowadays need to feel more engaging, like the person visiting or taking part in your event, it is in fact, a seamless part of it. An easy way to help your event along is by adding in an app allowing for people to register that they are at an event, enjoyed a certain showcase or exhibit.
If you're running small activities you can ask for peoples opinions on certain activities as well as giving people a virtual award for completing everything your event has to offer. You can also ask simple or in-depth questions related to your event, keeping people involved and engaged with your event.

Virtual Goodie Bags

We’ve all walked away from events with little paper bags filled with pens, mouse pads and cheap cups. This creates an awful amount of waste and unless the sample you're dropping is food, they rarely even make it home from the hotel. 
What if you instead, added onto that little virtual app that's been keeping people engaged and added in some virtual goodies instead. If people come to all or at least half of the days at your event, how about some money off a nice meal at Pizza Hut? The possibility of what you can offer attendees is endless and down to you, but it's a solid idea.

Get Some Influencers On Board

Influencer Marketing has become a huge thing in recent years. From Young Stars promoting makeup on Instagram, to TikTokers selling items on TikTok shops like the old Shopping Channels from the 90’s and early 2000’s.
Getting Influencers and Content Creators to your event will guarantee at least a portion of their fan base comes along to see what all the fuss is about. Having these celebs walk about your event, giving people a chance to meet their favourite YouTuber could keep people around, especially if you have them on stage as the main event at the end of the day.

Get Competitive

People like to win things, it's a fact of human nature. Throwing some small contests at things like networking events can be great for team building, a Karaoke Contest at a Business Expo can lighten the mood and get some good laughs. Competitions are again a very versatile use for your Event.
You can also link this into the App you made earlier for polling and Virtual Goodie Bags. You can even link competitions and games directly with the two aforementioned features. People are more likely to stay somewhere if they have a good time and manage to get some work done.

Don’t Worry About Size

You don’t need an event the size of GamesCom or E3. You just need an event that suits you. If you're bringing people in to market their products, hire out a couple expo halls but if you're having some people in a local Business networking group you can grab the local church hall.
The Size of your event does not mean good or bad quality. It just means you have an event that's suited to your needs and the needs of those attending your event. 


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