5 Brands With Amazing Visual Storytelling

Visual Storytelling can be done in a number of ways. Whilst our main role is to help you tell the story of your brand, it's always great to see amazing examples of Visual Storytelling from brands and get some ideas for our future products!
Below are some amazing examples of Visual Storytelling utilised by 5 Brands, ranging Drinks to Eco-Friendly Clothing. Take a look, take notes, and enjoy some of the brilliant Visual Storytelling utilised in by these 5 Brands.

Camouflage, waste, Trash, Treasure, Recycle
This is a brilliant example of Visual Storytelling from Paynter. Their Unique Selling Proposition is that each jacket is made to order. This ensures that there is no waste product created during the production of the jacket.
This new Eco-Friendly push forward for clothing is an interesting angle for a brand, especially in the fashion space. So how does that work in this case? Some brands use sustainably sourced materials.
Paynter works with a mill in Venice to create jackets, to order, meaning that they only buy and use the exact amount of material that they need. Furthering that, their latest small collection is made entirely from off cuts (the waste product left behind in the production of clothing. 
This is explained in full in one of their newsletters but you can garner the idea from the one image above. Notice how they utilise a small amount of text to explain what is happening, Trash to Treasure. 
Without even knowing much about the company or brand, from one image, you can understand that they are taking someone's trash and converting it to a treasure of some kind.
One image tells the story of waste being repurposed, drawing you in for further explanation.

Cooking, Furnace, Restaurant, Email, Newsletter
Modern House is an Estate Agency with a specific focus on design. Utilizing design as a way to improve people's living standards. Using the space, light, materials, decoration and even the outdoors of peoples homes to create somewhere to truly live.
It's a different way of running an estate agency as most simply seek to find a buyer or a renter for a house. This level of engagement is the Modern House’s Unique Selling Proposition. So telling stories around that unique connection is obviously important.
From the Screen grab of one of their newsletters you can see some simple Visual Storytelling. The Image focuses on a man cooking, showing the specific way he is cooking, also the location and environment he is cooking in. Already you understand that what you are most likely seeing is something to do with a restaurant.
Lower your eyes and boom, you have a link to an article on a Iranian Restaurant in Soho in London. Such a simple concept can deliver all that information in seconds and you may not even realize you had it.

We’ve all had an innocent smoothie at least once. Their mission statement is simple. They bring natural, organic and responsibly sourced smoothies to the consumer. They’ve been around for a while and can be found with various flavours.
You may not like smoothies but once you see the logo, you instantly know you are drinking an innocent smoothie.
For this example I have simply screenshotted the top of the home page of the Innocent website. Out of laziness? Could I not find a better example? Check the image again. On the website the flora gently moves in an animated breeze.
If you look at the image carefully enough you can almost hear the birds chirping, the other animals of the forest quietly grazing. Then a white expanse of nothing but loud silence. In the centre the text explains the innocent are helping with a rewild project to aid with climate action.
Before you even noticed the text, you noticed the flowers, telling the story of nature, then the white background, the silence of pollution and in the centre, Innocent promising to refill the void with nature. Even the text here is used as part of the Visual Storytelling.
This one is truly a brilliant design.

Oatly is another well known brand providing Oat Milk or Oat Drink as it is called. Quite simply Oatly is a Vegan alternative to Milk that many people have turned to as they seek a more sustainable or more cruelty free drink for their breakfast cereal.
I’m not a huge fan of the website layout, it's very cluttered HOWEVER, If I can draw your attention to the base of the screengrab we can see the Oatly Lake Podcast is being advertised to us. 
Normally I would pass this off as just words but, instead, look at how the words ARE the Visuals. Oatly is clearly readable, grabbing your attention, the word Lake is in fact designed as though on the surface of a lake. Finally the word Podcast is being exclaimed via a speech bubble.
By blending the words and visuals into one Oatly pushes forward a unique form of Visual Storytelling that is well worth paying attention too.

Rosie Londoner, London, Big Ben, Blogger, Travel Blogger
Rosie Londoner is a Blogger who lives in London. She blogs about her life in London, gives out recipes and even has an Instashop. You may be wondering, why I have chosen her page as the sample of Visual Storytelling, well, there is an easy answer.
From the image, you can see Big Ben’s Clock Tower (yes it’s the Bell that is called Big Ben, not the Tower), showing that we are in London. The gaping view of the Thames River suggests adventure, roaming if you will. The relaxed nature of Rosie enjoying the view suggests she is learning about the scene, exploring her surroundings.
The short about section then reinforces all of the things suggested in the one image that is shown to us. This is a very simplistic form of Visual Storytelling but in my opinion, is perhaps the best. Short, neat and a sleek design. Possibly the best of the lot.
We love Rosie’s storytelling so much that a few years ago we visualized a snapshot of her life! It’s really interesting to compare her style and ours and was a fun little doodle.
Rosie Londoner, London, Natalka Design, Doodle


So those are 5 Brands with amazing Visual Storytelling and if you're struggling with Visual Storytelling then feel free to contact us. We can take you through the steps to have yourself placed on a list like this.

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