3 Signs Your Overworking and 3 Ways To Fix It

In the Modern World it can be easy to just let work take over your life. It’s becoming an increasingly important issue to discuss as people feel the pressure to work harder to meet ever closer deadlines.

Below are 3 Signs that you're overworking yourself, followed by 3 ways to help you out of your slump.

Lack Of Energy

This one probably seems obvious, but it's a very broad term. You may find yourself with no energy and heading straight to bed after Work is done. You may find yourself falling asleep at your desk.

This isn’t limited to a literal lack of energy. Sometimes on the rare times your friends and family manage to drag you out to a Social Occasion, you just find yourself there. You can’t really engage with what's going on as you feel guilty that you're not working. You may even feel anxious you’ll fall behind on work.

Difficulty Disconnecting With Work

As alluded to in the previous section, you can’t remove yourself from your work life. You find yourself anxious or guilty when you eventually get time for yourself. This isn't healthy behaviour. 

Worse, you often bring work outside of work, losing Sleep and losing focus on other important aspects of your life. This is definitely something to watch for as it can raise stress and anxiety which only compounds the problem.

You’ve Lost Your Passion

This sign is more subtle but as you finally realise you obtain no sense of accomplishment from the amount of work you're doing shows more focus on the Work rather than the outcome.

Don’t panic if you’ve noticed these, below are a few tips to help you out of the slump.

Track Your Time

Simply track your tasks, make sure you don’t spend too much time on something, which begins the overworking cycle. Not just that, making sure you have a reasonable number of Tasks is another way to make sure you don’t overload yourself.

Find Time To Relax

This one may seem null and void given that it can be hard to disconnect but it's all about finding that one way to relax.

Some people find simple Meditation, ASMR or other similar activities to loosen the Mind.

Another way we’ve spoken about commonly is Doodling. This activity allows your Brain to focus on a Task, taking your mind off of Work, whilst also giving you the chance to relax. Remember, anyone can draw or doodle, it's a fun way to get in touch with your inner child.

If you ever fancy tackling a Doodling Session in Public, feel free to come to one of our Doodleledo Events or if you're a Manager you can book one for your Team!

Speak To Coworkers

This last one mildly ties in with Doodleledo, but you don’t need an Event to open up to Co-Workers and even your boss. They may be able to help shift the Workload or perhaps offer some time off if needed for your Mental Health.

It's important to remember if your Mental Health is suffering, please contact a Professional, this Blog contains helpful tips for feeling like your Overworking. 

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